Telegraf Input Windows Performance Counters UDPv4 and TCPv4 question

We have telegraf 1.9.1 installed on machines running Windows 10, 2012 and 2016. All inputs using win_perf_counters. object are working fine except for ObjectName = “UDPv4” and ObjectName = “TCPv4”. I have verified that these objects present. However these are not being sent to influxdb. I have also examined the output by running this command.
PS C:\Program Files\telegraf> .\telegraf.exe --test. The other configured inputs appear, but not those for UDPv4 and TCPv4.

Below is the configuration we are using. Anybody have any ideas on why this isn’t working?

ObjectName = “UDPv4”
Instances = ["*"]
Counters = [
“Datagrams Received/sec”,
“Datagrams No Port/sec”,
“Datagrams Received Errors”,
Measurement = “win_net_stats”

ObjectName = “TCPv4”
Instances = ["*"]
Counters = [
“Segments Retransmitted/sec”,
“Connections Reset”
Measurement = “win_net_stats”

Hello @trdoran,
I’m passing this question along to the telegraf team. I appreciate your patience!

Telegraf 1.9.1 is quite old- it was released in December 2018. There have been a few bugfixes related to win_perf_counters since then. Could you try again with a recent release?

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Thanks, reimda. We are trying out the latest Telegraf version.