Replicate to cloud stopped working


I am writing to a local InfluxDB, and have a replication stream to the cloud. This was all working well, but has recently stopped.
In the logs, I see these messages locally:

2024-11-22 15:23:14 ts=2024-11-22T04:23:14.280120Z lvl=error msg=“Error in replication stream” log_id=0s~5CRVG000 service=replications replication_id=0dfc85d8fc9d4000 error=“invalid response code 400, must be 204: 400 Bad Request: no data written, errors encountered on line(s): line 1: batch schema conflict - line has column ‘measurement’ of type iox::column_type::field::string but type is iox::column_type::tag” retries=1801

Why is this no longer working? I can see all data coming in locally still.
I’m just about to move from POC to roll-out so this is a little concerning, trying to get to the bottom of it.

I think I’ve realised what happened. I was exploring how to insert some array data, and probably messed some of the data up during that time.
I guess this is a good time for me to play with “drop-non-retryable-data”!

Yep “drop-non-retryable-data” fixed it for me!
I had been playing with writing batch data and made a mistake, and that held up the queue. Once I updated the replication with that flag I could see the sync queue size dropping and eventually could see the data come through to the cloud. :smiley: