Error influxdata cloud

Hello, I am working with telegraf and influxdb2 locally. I’ll give you part of the config.
This code works very well for me. But then I signed up for to store the data in the cloud. But tail -f /var/log/telegraf/telegraf.log gives me the following error:
error writing line 360 (1-based): Unable to insert iox::column_type::field::string type into column ifName with type iox::column_type::tag
error writing line 361 (1-based): Unable to insert iox::column_type::field::string type into column ifName with type iox::column_type::tag
error writing line 383 (1-based): Unable to insert iox::column_type::field::string type into column ifName with type iox::column_type::tag

I understand that it has something to do with the Cloud, the strange thing is that everything works fine in the local infludb2

agents = [“”]
version = 2
community = “test”
interval = “300s”
name = “example”

name = “example”
oid = “IF-MIB::ifXTable”
index_as_tag = true

name = “ifName”
oid = “IF-MIB::ifName”
is_tag = true

Hello @Carlos_Segala,
I’m not sure can you please share the output portion of your config as well?
@jpowers have you encountered this error before?

@jpowers have you encountered this error before?

Sorry for the delay I’ve been out. I have not seen this. Given the mention of “iox” I assume that the issue is appearing with an IOX backed system, while the local influxdb is not iox backed.

It sort of reads like the user is providing a field called “ifName”, when a tag with that name already exists? If I recall, InfluxDB v3 does not let a user use a tag and a field with the same name. Could that be what the user is hitting here?