InfluxDB 2.0 data source settings not working in Grafana

I have tried to add settings of InfluxDB 2.0 in Grafana DataSource with Flux (InfluxDB) [BETA] but it is throwing an error “Network Error: Bad Request(400)”

Does anyone have idea about, How to resolve this issue? OR Grafana is not working with InfluxDB 2.0?

Hello @jimesh,
Welcome. Have you had a chance to follow this documentation on using Grafana with 2.0? How did your setup attempt vary?

Yes, I have followed the same.

You can review it at

Please excuse if this question is silly, I just want to make sure I’m on the same page. Have you been able to verify that influx is running and you have data otherwise? Is curl successful?

Yes, InfluxDB is already running and I also have lots of data in influxdb.

Please check below screenshot.

Hi, I am also facing the same issue.