Hi everyone,
First, sorry about my english
I have just installed Grafana v7.3.6 and Influxdb v2.0.3
I am trying connect data source on grafana to influxdb server by InfluxQL method but it giving error bad request.
I already followed this page but it can’t be work!
I know I can connect by Flux method (I tried and success) but i want to InfluxQL method
Please help me if you have same error. Thanks everybody.
As I understand it, you cannot connect Grafana 7 with Influx 2.0 OSS using influxql. Only Flux. Which has caused me to start a crash course on Flux in the past week.
There are other versions of Influx that do work. I believe you have to map a database to a bucket, inside of InfluxDB.
Hi, as i am a newbie on this can you help me with the steps needed to put it working ?
I have installed the influxdb v2.0.3 and created an Organization and a Bucket, how should I map unmapped bucket, is there any rule to name the database or can it be anything ?
I dis also installed Grafana 7.3.6, How did you configure the data source, where did you configure the token ?
thanks in advance, if would be great if you could help me.
Hi, thanks for your answer, using Flux I am able to connect, what I am not able to do is to connect with InfluxQL. were you able to make it work ?
thanks again.
Hi, my english is not good also,
Anyway, thanks for your help, but I would like to ask you if the database and retention policy that must be created, document of point 1:
mydb - the database to which I create a connection in Grafana
autogen - retention policy. To be honest, I set this parameter intuitively.
123456789 - is the ID of the mydb database specified above. It can be found in the interface, item “Data - Buckets”
myorg - organization name
token - token
Hello everyone,
I dare to ask for a summary ? I can’t do it.
You have to add the Influx token in “Custom HTTP Headers” but what’s this “user” thing? It’s a notion that isn’t really there anymore with InfluxDB 2, isn’t it ?