Is it possible to make InfluxQL query to influxdb v2.7.4


Can we write and run influxql queries on influxdb 2.7.4.
If yes, how can we do that?

@cslm Yes, it’s possible: Query data with InfluxQL | InfluxDB OSS v2 Documentation

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Hello Scott,

Is it possible to add influxdb2.7.4 as influxql datasource to grafana?
So that i can write influxql queries on grafana for influxdb2.7.4.

Hi @cslm

Yes, when you add the InfluxDB v2.7.4 Datasource in Grafana, you will be prompted to choose InfluxQL, Flux or SQL (SQL will only appear if you are using a very recent version of Grafana). Choose InfluxQL.

Hello @grant1,

I try to add it with influxql but getting error.

“InfluxDB returned error: Unauthorized error reading influxDB”

Are you sure that your instance of Grafana can “see” the InfluxDB instance at (if you are running Grafana OSS locally, can you ping this IP address?)

Also, do you have an Organization name and Default Bucket name specified in the lowermost section?

I can add datasource if i choose flux.
But i want to add as influxql.
If i choose influxql influxdb details area is as below :
If i choose Flux :
But i need influxql.
If you want i can share you ip adress and user pass of grafana and influx so you can login and check.

This is working for me:

where the value for the Authorization header must be written by including the word Token then a space and then your token value, i.e. Token <token value>

and Database is the Organization Name:

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Perfect @grant1. :clap: Thanks a lot. I checked. It is working.