we have issues creating buckets using the UI and on a separate note, buckets created via CLI, though successful, are not reflecting in the UI under the respective organization…
Using the UI:
After inputting all the details… click on the create button, does not result in anything… but there is background activity in the influxd logs…
Using the CLI :
This is an example of a successful bucket created via CLI…
$influx bucket create -n azmsws2 -o msiazure --host “http://localhost”
ID Name Retention Organization OrganizationID
03664xxx azmxxx 0s msxxxxxxxx 26b1a04000
This bucket does not show up un the msxxxxxxx organiztion buckets list…
Note: I am hosting my site on port 80… hence “http://localhost”
On a side note: What are the right values for Retention, as it is expecting values in nanoseconds ?