Does anyone know if the latest version of InfluxDb will be released as a Windows binary? Or will Docker be the only option?
Does anyone know if the latest version of InfluxDb will be released as a Windows binary? Or will Docker be the only option?
Most likely only as a docker option. Wee do not recommend running in production on windows even on the 1.x line, and the 2.x line will likely follow the same recommendations. The 1.x Windows build is really a ‘reference build’ as it has not been through the full CI/CD pipeline.
I see!
Thanks for making this clearer!
I have been using 1.7 on Windows for debugging purposes.
It works nicely, but I ran into some limitations:
For what it’s worth, this is a blocker for us. We are using InfluxDB 1.7 on Windows and we have no choice but to run it in Windows natively. So long as there is no native Windows build for InfluxDB 2.0 we are not able to version up.
If it’s necessary, you can use WSL or docker. I’m not sure if it’s possible to run the make script on windows, but it’s worth a try.
This is a poor strategic decision by the influx management team. It’s one thing to have a preference but another to thumb your nose at the largest market for religious reasons. Please.
We have one main issue with the Docker strategy influx has taken: We’re running the system on Windows based PLC. But the PLC runtime is already using Hyper-V and does not allow to share this resource --> it is not possible to have both running. Means the system is no more usable for us.
Any work around for this will be highly welcome.
I’m hanging out for this capability
From Influxdata own website Upgrade from InfluxDB 1.x to InfluxDB 2.0
“… InfluxDB 2.0 is currently available for macOS and Linux. Windows builds are not currently available, but are planned for subsequent releases.”
hi all,
would also like to see v2.0 running natively in windows. happily running 1.* now for almost 3 months and presenting using grafana. Missing some features of v2.0 so would hope there’s a release sooner than later!
Ok preview only…