Issue#1 with collection:
I’m having issues to collect data from devices when i use speical characters such as \ ! in the Auth and Private Passwords. If i use any other combination $ in password I dont see any issues with collection…
I’m using single quotes around the password to avoid the parsing error when telegraf is started…
When i run snmpwalk with password containing ! i dont see any issues to outputs all the details that I’m looking for … only issues is during collection… it doesnt collect and error with below >
E! Error in plugin [inputs.snmp]: agent : performing get on field hostname: Request timeout (after 3 retries)
Do we need to add anything thing in the password if we use / or ! in passwords ??
Issues#2 with storing datastrong text
When i run telegraf --test… It shows that its gathering all the fields that I’m looking for using inputs.snmp … when i look at the actual influxdb some of the data points are missing…
Currently I’m collection Device details from ~300+ Devices with atleast ~200-300 datapoints per device…