Hello everyone!
I just started using InfluxDB, Grafana, ioBroker and Shelly recently and I thought that maybe more experienced people could help me. I am using a Raspberry Pi 4 Model B and Shelly Plus 1PM and the Shelly doesn’t connect to ioBroker anymore. Just earlier today it worked, because I tested turning it off and on from Vis, but after that I installed InfluxDB and Grafana. Everything went well as I connected everything together and the shelly was still displaying the data, but then I enabled Influx on the datapoints I wanted to make a graph with, I selected them in the Data Explorer from Influx and submitted them and after that the Shelly was not working anymore. Does Influx have anything to do with that or was it just bad timing?
Shelly is connected to the same wi-fi as the Raspberry, MQTT is enabled and configured correctly for the shelly as well as in the shelly adapter for ioBroker.
Thank you!