Trying to run the sample python example to insert data into influx and I receive The following error.
reate database: example
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “”, line 65, in
main(, port=args.port)
File “”, line 30, in main
File “/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/influxdb/”, line 488, in create_database
self.query(“CREATE DATABASE “%s”” % dbname)
File “/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/influxdb/”, line 339, in query
File “/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/influxdb/”, line 246, in request
raise e
requests.exceptions.SSLError: EOF occurred in violation of protocol (_ssl.c:581)
I have installed all packages. pyopenssl is installed.
I did a diff on original code I download from influx and the code you attached - aside from a few indentation differences code is the same. I ran your copy on my box, I get the same ssl error.
Must be a library or package version causing the problem. i’m running on a SUSE box any incompatibilities you know of.
Very strange as both client python and server are running local.
The problem was not the code, yours or mine. The problem was caused by a network issue the server was configured to go thru a proxy. I reconfigured the proxy to say local - worked fine.
Sorry for not noticing the configuration before asking for help.