I am using InfluxDBClient to write metrices to influxDB 2.7.6 using https.
Initialize the InfluxDB client
client = InfluxDBClient(url=influxdb_url, token=influxdb_token, org=influxdb_org, ssl_ca_cert=ca_cert_path)
# Initialize the write API
write_api = client.write_api(write_options=SYNCHRONOUS)
However i am getting below exception:
influxdb_client.rest.ApiException: (0)
Reason: SSLError
[SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed (_ssl.c:897)
From the same host i am able to curl to influx https endpoint.
Log shows below error:
msg=“http: TLS handshake error from :26724: local error: tls: bad record MAC” log_id=0pdgWPrl000 service=http
Any clue will be helpful.
Thank You