Hello Anais.
I clicked in “Solution” by mistake in the other thread.
Thanks for the example.
And sorry for all the questions, I’m really newbie in Python and InfluxDB.
I’m almost there.
Python code looks to work, however, data were not inserted into InfluxDB.
My code:
from influxdb_client import InfluxDBClient, Point
username = ‘mon360’
password = base64.b64decode(env.INFLUXDBUSRPWD)
database = ‘xxxxxx’
retention_policy = ‘autogen’
bucket = f’{database}/{retention_policy}’client = InfluxDBClient(url=‘xxxxxxxxxx:8086’, token=f’{username}:{password}‘, org=’-‘)
print(’*** Write Points ***')
write_api = client.write_api()v_cpupct = psutil.cpu_percent()
v_curtime = time.strftime(“%Y-%m-%d-T%H:%M:%SZ%z”, time.localtime())point = Point(“SRV_HEATH”).tag(“CUSTOMER”, env.CUSTOMER).tag(“HOSTNAME”, env.HOSTNAME).tag(“RESOURCE”, “CPU”).field(“PCT_USED”, v_cpupct)
print(point.to_line_protocol())write_api.write(bucket=bucket, record=point)
So, there are 3 questions here:
- What is wrong that even without and execution error, no data is written into InfluxDB?
- Where, in the point, the time will be defined to be inserted?
- The example looks to be for a single point insert. How to change it to perform a bulk load?
Many thanks.