Monitoring vCenter using vsphere plugin

Planning to monitor the vsphere cluster status using inputs.vsphere plugin. code as follows. getting lot of outputs for this. In that i noticed this “failover_latest=1i”.
what is the meaning for this output? is it related to vsphere cluster status.

vcenters = [ “”]
username = “xxxxxxx”
password = “xxxxxxx”
namepass = [“vsphere_cluster_clusterServices”]
fieldpass = [“failover_latest”]


vsphere_cluster_clusterServices,clustername=UXXXT-LAB-XXV,dcname=XK-XXX-LAB,host=uxxxadxxx10X,moid=domain-XX1,platform=windows,source=UKXXX-LAB-XX, failover_latest=1i 1639030200000000000