I am currently parsing IIS logs into InfluxDB using Grok from Telegraf, but I am trying to figure out if there’s a way to setup LogViewer to views these after they are in InfluxDB.
Any advice with setting up something similar would help.
I am currently parsing IIS logs into InfluxDB using Grok from Telegraf, but I am trying to figure out if there’s a way to setup LogViewer to views these after they are in InfluxDB.
Any advice with setting up something similar would help.
Hi adam808, Thanks for posting. Unfortunately, right now, the logviewer in Chronograf will only work with the Telegraf syslog input schema. We have plans to make it more flexible in future releases.
Can you share a snipit of what your .conf file looks like for parsing the IIS Logs into InfluxDB? I’m trying to do the same here, but for some reason it doesn’t seem to be working. Thank you!