I am trying to integrate alerts for Pushover, and I see that Kapacitor supports Pushover notifications. However, my understanding is that InfluxDB2 should have most of the prior TICK stack rolled into it now. I did not find any option for Pushover in the alerting area, and it doesn’t seem set up to allow the kind of http endpoint I need (need to send certain tags.) Does Kapacitor connect into InfluxDB2 as well as older versions of InfluxDB2? Is there anything different in how it connects versus InfluxDB1.x, or is there an easier way to connect it to Pushover? I’m fairly new to the TICK stack. Thanks again for any assistance one could provide.
Hello @robertat,
Welcome! Sorry for the delay. I’m looking into this for you. I’ll get back to you as soon as I have information.
Any updates on whether kapacitor would be what I need with InfluxDB2.0, or if I could do this natively for InfluxDB2.0?
@Anaisdg @robertat did you ever resolve this. I am setup on influx cloud 2.0 but thinking of switching to 1.0 to avoid having to write our own Kapacitor style endpoints. I am trying to send data to opsgenie in my case
Hello @mark.davidoff,
Please see this pull re: opsgenie with 2.0
I have a similar problem, but with Alerta. Is influxdb2 planned to be integrated with Alerta?
Hello @MartinDE90,
I know that it’s on the list, but I don’t know if there’s a feature request yet. Can you please add one to Flux if there isn’t? Thank you.
Hello @Anaisdg, I have the same query as the original questions asked by @robertat,
Do we need Kapacitor to be used with InfluxDB2.0, if we do not use Kapacitor, would we be missing functionality that comes with Kapacitor, or as asked in the subject, will influxdb 2.0 provides this natively?
You do not need to use Kapacitor with InfluxDB 2.0, most of the functionality can be done with Tasks in 2.0.
However, there are a few things, like stream processing and continuous queries, that aren’t available in 2.0 yet. If you need those, then you can use Kapacitor in addition to InfluxDB 2.0 to get those features.