Two weeks ago decided to start study InfluxDB ecosystem. Started from v.2.
Now came to a point - Alerting and notification.
The amount of methods for “Notification Endpoint” is very poor (Slack, Pagerduty, Http).
Is there an option to connect InfluxDB v.2 with Alerta, which could provide all means of further alerting ?
P.S. at the moment before started studying “Alerting and notification” theme, there is only one notable disappointing thing about InfluxDB v.2. When setting up things in Grafana, there are no “Aliases” working with Flux. These are required for certain panels or features of panels.
Hello @fhrr,
Welcome! I believe more alerting integrations will be available with the GA release. I know alerta integration exists with v1.x. I recommend checking out v1.7.x–as it is a hybrid between the v1.x and v2.0x and you get Flux.