Deleting data with autogen retention policy

Is it possible to delete data when only having the default autogen Retention Policy? We have not yet setup a different retention policy and when I run the following delete command, i get error parsing query: retention policy not supported at line 1, char 1

DELETE FROM “db”.“autogen”.“events” WHERE time > now() - 1d AND “title”= ‘test1’

How are you submitting the query? Sometimes it can change depending on whether you’re using the CLI or something like Chronograf or Grafana.

It doesn’t matter if CLI or Chronograf (GUI) is used. Always same output.

Deleting stuff from InfluxDB is extremely complicated (or not possible at all for most of my cases up to now).

See also DELETE does not support renention policies · Issue #15180 · influxdata/influxdb · GitHub which never was solved.

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is there any solution to delete data with autogen retention policy?

Still nothing?!?

How dead can a community and a whole project be. Stunning. Always fun when you search for things 3 years later and find your own posts on the internet. Priceless.