Cannot connect kapacitor to Chronograf in kubernetes

I am using tick helm charts in my kubernetes cluster.
I have the pubclic chronograf dns through which I can login and connect to influxdb (using k8s service name, ex: xxx-influxdb:8086).
But I cannot connect to Kapacitor from chrograf (using the same technique of giving kapacitor service name, ex: xxx-kapacitor:9092)
It gives `Couldn’t connect to Kapacitor, check your connection settings)
the Kapacitor pod seems to running okay with

ts=2020-04-25T11:00:36.407Z lvl=info msg=“started task” service=kapacitor task_master=main task=transformer-failed-percent
ts=2020-04-25T11:00:36.433Z lvl=info msg=“started task” service=kapacitor task_master=main task=warehouse-failed-upload
ts=2020-04-25T11:00:36.444Z lvl=info msg=“listening for signals” service=run

I also tried with interfacing the kapacitor service as a loadbalancer, that too doesn’t work and gives the same error.
I am not sure how to debug this, any pointer will be helpful.

I believe we resolved this on Slack. :slight_smile:

@rawkode … Even I have the same issue, deployed influxdb, chronograf and kapacitor in kubernetes.
We are able to establish connectivity between influxdb and chronograf. But we are not able to connect kapacitor from chronograf. we are getting connection refused (from chronograf). Any thoughts?
When you say it is resolved on SLACK? is it a separate tool?

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