Azure unable to configure SaaS account for InfluxDB Cloud

I have created an account, with my work email to try InfluxDB Cloud before we take a subscription.
After that I tried to use our cloud provider (Azure) to create a cloud instance, however now I am unable to continue my setup.
To finalize the purchase, I need to create an account but I am not able to log in with an existing one.
Because of this I am unable to continue the subscription process.
Can you advise me on what to do since its blocking our progress to continue.

“To finalize the purchase, I need to create an account but I am not able to log
in with an existing one.”

To finalise the purchase of what? InfluxDB Cloud or an Azure server?

Where specifically are you running into the problem?


Hey Anthony,

Through the Azure marketplace I tried to subscribe to “InfluxDb Cloud (Official Version)”.
After subscribing, Azure tells me that I need to configure my SaaS account on the website of the publisher.
There is a button which redirects me to “” .
Here I can select two options:

I am unable to chose to login with Microsft because, the account with which I am trying to login is a work account.
When I select continue with email, I am only able to create a new account. Since I already have an existing account this is also not possible.

Because of these reasons I am unable to configure my account in order to finilize to subscription to InfluxDB Cloud SaaS.

Thanks for your reply, and hopefully I have provided enough information this time.

I have exact the same problem.
Today I have created a new Azure marketplace “InfluxDb Cloud (Official Version)”.
I am also unable to chose to login with Microsoft because, the account with which I am trying to login is a work account.
When I select continue with email, I am only able to create a new account. Since I already have an existing account this is also not possible.

Hey Comwhatmay,

I have fixed it after contact with support.

You should delete the created free account which you can do from the Cloud UI.

After it has been deleted, either clear your cache or a different browser and continue the sign up process through azure.

The process should work like this!

Hi L.Steenhuis,
yes this sounds like the solution for me. I also have an Influx Cloud test instance registered with my company e-mail address.
I will try out your suggestion next month, because until then we need the test data to be available (deleting is not a option today)

Hi, I have exactly the same problem but when I try to follow your steps I find that I cannot delete my account! I don’t see that menu. Do you have any idea how I can delete it?