ADS-B template board doesn't work

I tried to install ADS-B template fo from Settings->Templates in InfluxDB 2.0 UI, but unfortunatenly when I opened ADS-B board I got such strange screen:

Who knows what is a cause of that error?

I installed that template many times few weeks ago on diffrenet instances of Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, always without any problem. Till now.

Variable bucket (CSV type) was missing in my configuration. After the added value of my default bucket to that variable my ADS-B board started to work.

But why such variable was missing in my configiration after applying that template?

The template creation process creates four resources:

The template installation process created a bucket with the name ads-b. But it is not used with queries.

All data from dump1090exporter landed into my default bucket, not into ads-b bucket.
I think something is wrong with that template creation.

Anybody interesting in that topic can watch this issue: Problem with installing ADS-B Template · Issue #285 · influxdata/community-templates (

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Hello @marekpow,
Thanks for explaining and creating an issue.

No problem, but I see that this issue still is unresolved.