I upgraded to InfluxDB 2.3 from 1.8 by apt remove influxd
and apt install influxdb2
and then did the influx upgrade
which successfully migrated 20GB of data.
Now I am not able to connect to the database anymore. Whatever I try, I get unauthorized access
and of course the Grafana data source also stopped working since the username/password
auth is obviously replaced by tokens in v2.
tgal@ecap-s010:~/command-centre$ influx bucket list
Error: must specify org ID or org name
tgal@ecap-s010:~/command-centre$ influx org list
Error: failed to list orgs: 401 Unauthorized: unauthorized access
tgal@ecap-s010:~/command-centre$ sudo influx auth create -o server_metrics --all-access
Error: failed to lookup org with name "server_metrics": 401 Unauthorized: unauthorized access
How should I proceed? I found so many similar topics but no solutions…