Visualize historical data using chronograph

I have historical daily data from 2014 to 2016. I have stored the data in to influxdb. Now how do i visualize the data in chronograf. Every time i try it says returned no results.

query : SELECT “value” FROM “test_db”.“autogen”.“leads_test” WHERE time < now() - 1h AND “zip”=‘30349’

The first place to check whether there data is available or not is the database, you can find the details using “influx”. If you run the same command under it; does it return any data?

Yes.checked in CLI it does return data. The problem here is query gets automatically formatted to time > now() instead of time< now() in Chronograf so it doesn’t yield any data.

You can always give the absolute time interval time > (epoch or RFC3339) or you can change ur query to

time > now() - 10d

For viewing last ten days of date or (365d for last one year of data)

Thanks. Got it working now with time > now() - 365d.