I want to upgrade my Influxdb2.0 OSS to Influxdb2.2 OSS. And also migrate my data. I am using docker compose. So how easily i can do it. Is there any massive changes like 1.8 to 2.0?
Please suggest
I want to upgrade my Influxdb2.0 OSS to Influxdb2.2 OSS. And also migrate my data. I am using docker compose. So how easily i can do it. Is there any massive changes like 1.8 to 2.0?
Please suggest
Hi @debnath,
Glad you are on the path to 2.X . So It can feel like quite a change migrating to 2.X. I personally would do the following:
Let me know how you get on
@Jay_Clifford Thanks for your reply.
Actually I’m sorry that i could not explain you properly. I did migrate inflax 1.8 to 2.0. There was huge change during that upgrade.
Now i wanted to upgrade my 2.0 influxdb OSS version to 2.2 OSS version. So i want to know, is there any huge change is done or just few feature and bug has been fixed. Because i want to migrate my data also.
I am not sure there is any tricky changes .
On my side I use InfluxDB in a docker environment . I made the upgrade from 1.8 to 2.0 around 1 year ago and the upgrade to the current 2.2.0 version was automatic via docker upgrade
@Philippe_Branly Thank you it helps a lot.
The upgrade from 2.0 to 2.1 went fine for me. The upgrade from 2.1 to 2.2 broke my scrapers.
Make a backup and just try it…