Updating Influxdb from 2.04 to 2.08

Hello all I want to update Influx to the latest patch and would like to know the procedure?

is it just a case of just stopping the influx service then using “rpm --upgrade influxdb2-2.0.8.x86_64.rpm” ? then check the configs ok before starting up again?

Would i be better backing up the folder structures?

Any info would be fab thanks

Hey there,
Thanks for your question. When updating Influx using the standard package manage your data will persist. Note I would advise if your data is considered critical to always backup before updating.

To do this please follow our backup and restore guide. Any questions let me know.

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Thanks @Jay_Clifford
The data is monitoring data for servers - it was more about the configs as I have custom config to point to the data on a different drive

They should remain untouched. :slight_smile:

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Hello all, fianlly got round to the update but went from 2.04 - 2.09 BUT Influxdb wont start now - am struggling to find the issue any help please