A few days ago i updated my v1.8 instance to v2.4 (via apt packages)
The Data Upgrade was a trouble for me (running systemd Service)
I realized the upgrade command writes the Data to the current user und copied the data into /var/lib/influxdb (.influxdbv2 folder) and copied the new influxdb config to /etc/influxdb and changed the paths to /var/lib
It was running fine then.
Now an apt upgrade has started ibfluxdb like a fresh install.
Please tell me how to use the v2.5 with the old 2.4 Data?
Running with systemd service
Commandline: apt upgrade
Upgrade: influxdb2-cli:amd64 (2.4.0, 2.5.0), influxdb2:amd64 (2.4.0-1, 2.5.1-1)