Understanding of TICK stack

Please let me know if I’m getting anything wrong.

I have come to know about Influxdata recently, and also its TICK stack.

Firstly, I was only focusing on InfluxDB as we are already having tools(Collectd, Netdata) to monitor our system. We, just needed influxdb to store those system metrics to show them using Grafana.
Now, InfluxDB is a simple Time Series DB.

Now, I have read about Telegraf, It is there to provide system metrics to Influxdb. It is an alternative to Collectd and Netdata. It can also parse log files of the system(Netdata also can).

And, then there is Chronograf to visualize to these system metrics. It is an alternative to Grafana, Kibana. Though I haven’t read much about it.

And the use of Kapacitor is to find errors and create alerts for the system.
Well, Chronograf and Kapacitor both together provide functionality of Kibana.

Am I getting everything correct ?

And like we specify the port in collectd conf file, and then in influxdb conf file, to make communication of these 2 possible. Like, we tell collectd to send data to 25826, and tell influx to listen to 25826.

How does Telegraf communicate with Influxdb I mean through which port ?
In conf file, it directly outputs to localhost:8086, means it directly writes through api ??

@Luv You are correct! Telegraf does write directly through the API (:8086).

The main difference between telegraf and collectd is that telegraf writes natively in the Influx Line Protocol format while collectd either uses a binary format or graphite. This format allows for multiple fields, not just value. This means much less metadata is retransmitted. Telegraf also is less resource intensive and is capable of monitoring even modern container environments.

Chronograf is currently still in Beta. The main functionality that it offers is the Kapacitor GUI that allows for easier construction of alerting scripts. Most InfluxDB users still use Grafana for graphing, but Chronograf I have found to be better for data exploration. There are also features being added all the time!

Kapacitor is a high throughput stream processing engine that can do everything from alerting to ETL.

Does this help?

Yeah, I just wanted to be more sure about this understanding.
Thank You.

One problem which is coming is that, I also write Netdata metrics to Influxdb.
The writing works fine, the Netdata database is created and it has all the measurements in it.

But, when I add this data source to grafana, It doesn’t show me any measurement. in it.
Other databases are working fine like collectd, telegraf.

@Luv That sounds like it is either an issue with Grafana, or there is no recent data.