Try to configure db whit open suse

i try to configure database in the local influxdb2 server but i can’t login to shell

# influx
   influx - Influx Client

   influx [command]

   version              Print the influx CLI version
   ping                 Check the InfluxDB /health endpoint
   setup                Setup instance with initial user, org, bucket
   write                Write points to InfluxDB
   bucket               Bucket management commands
   completion           Generates completion scripts
   bucket-schema        Bucket schema management commands
   query                Execute a Flux query
   config               Config management commands
   org, organization    Organization management commands
   delete               Delete points from InfluxDB
   user                 User management commands
   task                 Task management commands
   backup               Backup database
   restore              Restores a backup directory to InfluxDB
   telegrafs            List Telegraf configuration(s). Subcommands manage Telegraf configurations.
   dashboards           List Dashboard(s).
   export               Export existing resources as a template
   secret               Secret management commands
   v1                   InfluxDB v1 management commands
   auth, authorization  Authorization management commands
   apply                Apply a template to manage resources
   stacks               List stack(s) and associated templates. Subcommands manage stacks.
   template             Summarize the provided template
   help, h              Shows a list of commands or help for one command

   --help, -h  show help

in the reference when tip influx go to the shell:

how to create database?

thank you

Hi @Mark_influx,
Welcome to the community :slight_smile:. So there is a bit of a difference between 1.X and 2.X of InfluxDB. It appears you have the 2.X cli installed and are also most likely running InfluxDB 2.X. You have the following options available:

  1. Head to http://<ip-hosting-influx:8086 setup InfluxDB using the UI.
  2. Use the client which you discovered and run influx setup to begin the setup process.

The documentation you are referencing is for InfluxDB 1.X builds so you would need to install that version instead if you want the shell.

thank you for fast reply,i think i have already setup:

# influx setup
Error: instance has already been set up

i can login in the http://<ip-hosting-influx:8086 whit username and password.

how to show in interface graphic my database? or create and manage new?

becouse in the telegraf client i receive this error:

W! [outputs.influxdb] When writing to [http://x.x.x.x:8086]: database "database" creation failed: 401 Unauthorized

thank you

Hi @Mark_influx,
So it looks like you might be using the wrong InfluxDB telegraf plugin. I would check out this one for InfluxDB V2:

You can generate a token by following these instructions: Create an API token in InfluxDB | InfluxDB OSS 2.1 Documentation

yes i found, my mistake i use telegraf 1 plugin and not 2. resolve with the correct telegraf line
thank you