August 6, 2020, 3:20pm
ive installed a telegraf agent on win10. according to this guide Using Telegraf on Windows | InfluxData .
telegraf ver 1.12.5.
ive installed snmp-net for windows and can do snmpwalk to devices.
when starting telegraf i see no errors and i can see establish a connection to influx db (using netstat).
but no matrics getting to my influxdb.
using wireshark i can see there are no snmp packets.
dose anyone know how to continue from here?
indent preformatted text by 4 spaces
PS C:\Program Files\telegraf> .\telegraf --config-directory 'C:\Program Files\telegraf\conf' --test
2020-08-06T14:22:08Z I! Starting Telegraf 1.12.5
2020-08-06T14:22:08Z I! Using config file: C:\Program Files\Telegraf\telegraf.conf
2020-08-06T14:22:08Z W! Telegraf is not permitted to read C:\Program Files\telegraf\conf" --test
2020-08-06T14:22:08Z I! Loaded inputs: snmp snmp snmp
2020-08-06T14:22:08Z I! Loaded aggregators:
2020-08-06T14:22:08Z I! Loaded processors:
2020-08-06T14:22:08Z I! Loaded outputs: influxdb
2020-08-06T14:22:08Z I! Tags enabled: host=Chauncey-682
2020-08-06T14:22:08Z I! [agent] Config: Interval:1m0s, Quiet:false, Hostname:“Chauncey-682”, Flush Interval:10s
indent preformatted text by 4 spaces
August 6, 2020, 3:29pm
Hey @ahiyaz
this line in your log output
2020-08-06T14:22:08Z W! Telegraf is not permitted to read C:\Program Files\telegraf\conf" --test
suggests that Telegraf can’t read its config file.
When you run telegraf (looks like you’re running it from PowerShell?) are you running it with elevated privileges?
Try launching CMD or PowerShell as an administrator and see if that fixes the issue. Or, you could put the config file in a different location. I store mine in program data, but when i install Telegraf I install it as a windows service, it could be that the service account can read from program data anyways.
As already stated by @philb , I suggest you run telegraf with the --test
flag in order to check for errors.
Running it in the same condition of the “error” is the best, so use the same user that runs the Telegraf service. (if is running as a service)
I would also suggest you change your configuration in order to have the most verbose error logging
debug = true
quiet = false
## errors to console, but use a different error output if you prefer
logtarget = "stderr"
If no error is raised, maybe you are filtering out all the metrics.
If you do not see any error it might be useful to have a look at your configuration file
I’ve just noticed you are using
PS C:\Program Files\telegraf> .\telegraf --config-directory ‘C:\Program Files\telegraf\conf’ --test
In order to run Telegraf you must always provide the --config
parameter, otherwise it won’t work. I remember reading an issue about that.
If you don’t want to use an actual conf file, just create an empty one (empty.conf), and then run
PS C:\Program Files\telegraf> .\telegraf --config 'C:\Program Files\telegraf\empty.conf' --config-directory 'C:\Program Files\telegraf\conf' --test
August 6, 2020, 4:15pm
I’d not spotted the part about no providing the -config flag. that could be it.
Can definitely confirm though you need to at least provide at least an empty config file for that though, we ran into a similar issue when using multiple configurations.
Personally, for Windows agents I store configs in c:\programdata\telegraf\config (main config file in here) and then all other configs are in c:\programdata\telegraf\config\configd
passed to telegraf as
c:\programdata\telegraf\config\config.conf --config-directory c:\programdata\telegraf\config\configd
August 6, 2020, 5:30pm
logtarget = "stderr"
ive tried to run it in debug but got this error:
indent preformatted text by 4 spaces
E! [telegraf] Error running agent: Error parsing C:\Program Files\telegraf\telegraf.conf, line 9: field corresponding to `logtarget’ is not defined in config.AgentConfig
indent preformatted text by 4 spaces
so ive marked out the “logtarget” line and run it again.
it seems that it is running the telegraf.conf file.
because you can see connection establish with influxDB and that telegraf loads 3 snmp inputs (as i configured) and in the logs you can see it accessing the correct agents IPs.
but still, a lot of errors and no traffic.
indent preformatted text by 4 spaces
PS C:\Program Files\telegraf> .\telegraf --config ‘C:\Program Files\telegraf\telegraf.conf’ --config-directory 'C:\Program Files\telegraf' --test
2020-08-06T17:21:34Z I! Starting Telegraf 1.12.5
2020-08-06T17:21:35Z W! Telegraf is not permitted to read C:\Program Files\telegraf" --test
2020-08-06T17:21:35Z I! Loaded inputs: snmp snmp snmp
2020-08-06T17:21:35Z I! Loaded aggregators:
2020-08-06T17:21:35Z I! Loaded processors:
2020-08-06T17:21:35Z I! Loaded outputs: influxdb
2020-08-06T17:21:35Z I! Tags enabled: host=Chauncey-682
2020-08-06T17:21:35Z I! [agent] Config: Interval:1m0s, Quiet:false, Hostname:“Chauncey-682”, Flush Interval:10s
2020-08-06T17:21:35Z D! [agent] Initializing plugins
2020-08-06T17:21:35Z D! [agent] Connecting outputs
2020-08-06T17:21:35Z D! [agent] Attempting connection to [outputs.influxdb]
2020-08-06T17:21:35Z D! [agent] Successfully connected to outputs.influxdb
2020-08-06T17:21:35Z D! [agent] Starting service inputs
2020-08-06T17:21:50Z D! [outputs.influxdb] Buffer fullness: 0 / 10000 metrics
2020-08-06T17:22:00Z D! [inputs.snmp] Executing “snmptranslate” “-Td” “-Ob” “IF-MIB::ifTable”
2020-08-06T17:22:00Z D! [outputs.influxdb] Buffer fullness: 0 / 10000 metrics
2020-08-06T17:22:00Z D! [inputs.snmp] Executing “snmptranslate” “-Td” “IF-MIB::ifTable.1”
2020-08-06T17:22:00Z D! [inputs.snmp] Executing “snmptable” “-Ch” “-Cl” “-c” “public” “” “IF-MIB::ifTable”
2020-08-06T17:22:00Z D! [inputs.snmp] Executing “snmptranslate” “-Td” “-Ob” “IF-MIB::ifDescr”
2020-08-06T17:22:00Z D! [inputs.snmp] Executing “snmptranslate” “-Td” “-Ob” “IF-MIB::ifIndex”
2020-08-06T17:22:00Z D! [inputs.snmp] Executing “snmptranslate” “-Td” “-Ob” “IF-MIB::ifType”
2020-08-06T17:22:00Z D! [inputs.snmp] Executing “snmptranslate” “-Td” “-Ob” “IF-MIB::ifMtu”
2020-08-06T17:22:00Z D! [inputs.snmp] Executing “snmptranslate” “-Td” “-Ob” “IF-MIB::ifSpeed”
2020-08-06T17:22:00Z D! [inputs.snmp] Executing “snmptranslate” “-Td” “-Ob” “IF-MIB::ifPhysAddress”
2020-08-06T17:22:00Z D! [inputs.snmp] Executing “snmptranslate” “-Td” “-Ob” “IF-MIB::ifAdminStatus”
2020-08-06T17:22:00Z D! [inputs.snmp] Executing “snmptranslate” “-Td” “-Ob” “IF-MIB::ifOperStatus”
2020-08-06T17:22:00Z D! [inputs.snmp] Executing “snmptranslate” “-Td” “-Ob” “IF-MIB::ifLastChange”
2020-08-06T17:22:00Z D! [inputs.snmp] Executing “snmptranslate” “-Td” “-Ob” “IF-MIB::ifInOctets”
2020-08-06T17:22:00Z D! [inputs.snmp] Executing “snmptranslate” “-Td” “-Ob” “IF-MIB::ifInUcastPkts”
2020-08-06T17:22:00Z D! [inputs.snmp] Executing “snmptranslate” “-Td” “-Ob” “IF-MIB::ifInNUcastPkts”
2020-08-06T17:22:01Z D! [inputs.snmp] Executing “snmptranslate” “-Td” “-Ob” “IF-MIB::ifInDiscards”
2020-08-06T17:22:01Z D! [inputs.snmp] Executing “snmptranslate” “-Td” “-Ob” “IF-MIB::ifInErrors”
2020-08-06T17:22:01Z D! [inputs.snmp] Executing “snmptranslate” “-Td” “-Ob” “IF-MIB::ifInUnknownProtos”
2020-08-06T17:22:01Z D! [inputs.snmp] Executing “snmptranslate” “-Td” “-Ob” “IF-MIB::ifOutOctets”
2020-08-06T17:22:01Z D! [inputs.snmp] Executing “snmptranslate” “-Td” “-Ob” “IF-MIB::ifOutUcastPkts”
2020-08-06T17:22:01Z D! [inputs.snmp] Executing “snmptranslate” “-Td” “-Ob” “IF-MIB::ifOutNUcastPkts”
2020-08-06T17:22:01Z D! [inputs.snmp] Executing “snmptranslate” “-Td” “-Ob” “IF-MIB::ifOutDiscards”
2020-08-06T17:22:01Z D! [inputs.snmp] Executing “snmptranslate” “-Td” “-Ob” “IF-MIB::ifOutErrors”
2020-08-06T17:22:01Z D! [inputs.snmp] Executing “snmptranslate” “-Td” “-Ob” “IF-MIB::ifOutQLen”
2020-08-06T17:22:01Z D! [inputs.snmp] Executing “snmptranslate” “-Td” “-Ob” “IF-MIB::ifSpecific”
2020-08-06T17:22:01Z D! [inputs.snmp] Executing “snmptranslate” “-Td” “-Ob” “IF-MIB::ifXTable”
2020-08-06T17:22:01Z D! [inputs.snmp] Executing “snmptranslate” “-Td” “IF-MIB::ifXTable.1”
2020-08-06T17:22:01Z D! [inputs.snmp] Executing “snmptable” “-Ch” “-Cl” “-c” “public” “” “IF-MIB::ifXTable”
2020-08-06T17:22:01Z D! [inputs.snmp] Executing “snmptranslate” “-Td” “-Ob” “IF-MIB::ifName”
2020-08-06T17:22:01Z D! [inputs.snmp] Executing “snmptranslate” “-Td” “-Ob” “IF-MIB::ifInMulticastPkts”
2020-08-06T17:22:02Z D! [inputs.snmp] Executing “snmptranslate” “-Td” “-Ob” “IF-MIB::ifInBroadcastPkts”
2020-08-06T17:22:02Z D! [inputs.snmp] Executing “snmptranslate” “-Td” “-Ob” “IF-MIB::ifOutMulticastPkts”
2020-08-06T17:22:02Z D! [inputs.snmp] Executing “snmptranslate” “-Td” “-Ob” “IF-MIB::ifOutBroadcastPkts”
2020-08-06T17:22:02Z D! [inputs.snmp] Executing “snmptranslate” “-Td” “-Ob” “IF-MIB::ifHCInOctets”
2020-08-06T17:22:02Z D! [inputs.snmp] Executing “snmptranslate” “-Td” “-Ob” “IF-MIB::ifHCInUcastPkts”
2020-08-06T17:22:02Z D! [inputs.snmp] Executing “snmptranslate” “-Td” “-Ob” “IF-MIB::ifHCInMulticastPkts”
2020-08-06T17:22:02Z D! [inputs.snmp] Executing “snmptranslate” “-Td” “-Ob” “IF-MIB::ifHCInBroadcastPkts”
2020-08-06T17:22:02Z D! [inputs.snmp] Executing “snmptranslate” “-Td” “-Ob” “IF-MIB::ifHCOutOctets”
2020-08-06T17:22:02Z D! [inputs.snmp] Executing “snmptranslate” “-Td” “-Ob” “IF-MIB::ifHCOutUcastPkts”
2020-08-06T17:22:02Z D! [inputs.snmp] Executing “snmptranslate” “-Td” “-Ob” “IF-MIB::ifHCOutMulticastPkts”
2020-08-06T17:22:02Z D! [inputs.snmp] Executing “snmptranslate” “-Td” “-Ob” “IF-MIB::ifHCOutBroadcastPkts”
2020-08-06T17:22:02Z D! [inputs.snmp] Executing “snmptranslate” “-Td” “-Ob” “IF-MIB::ifLinkUpDownTrapEnable”
2020-08-06T17:22:02Z D! [inputs.snmp] Executing “snmptranslate” “-Td” “-Ob” “IF-MIB::ifHighSpeed”
2020-08-06T17:22:02Z D! [inputs.snmp] Executing “snmptranslate” “-Td” “-Ob” “IF-MIB::ifPromiscuousMode”
2020-08-06T17:22:02Z D! [inputs.snmp] Executing “snmptranslate” “-Td” “-Ob” “IF-MIB::ifConnectorPresent”
2020-08-06T17:22:02Z D! [inputs.snmp] Executing “snmptranslate” “-Td” “-Ob” “IF-MIB::ifAlias”
2020-08-06T17:22:03Z D! [inputs.snmp] Executing “snmptranslate” “-Td” “-Ob” “IF-MIB::ifCounterDiscontinuityTime”
2020-08-06T17:22:03Z D! [inputs.snmp] Executing “snmptranslate” “-Td” “-Ob” “SNMPv2-MIB::sysDescr.0”
2020-08-06T17:22:03Z D! [inputs.snmp] Executing “snmptranslate” “-Td” “-Ob” “RFC1213-MIB::sysName.0”
2020-08-06T17:22:03Z D! [inputs.snmp] Executing “snmptranslate” “-Td” “-Ob” “DISMAN-EXPRESSION-MIB::sysUpTimeInstance”
2020-08-06T17:22:03Z D! [inputs.snmp] Executing “snmptranslate” “-Td” “-Ob” “SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.1991.”
2020-08-06T17:22:03Z D! [inputs.snmp] Executing “snmptranslate” “-Td” “-Ob” “SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.1991.”
2020-08-06T17:22:03Z D! [inputs.snmp] Executing “snmptranslate” “-Td” “-Ob” “-m” “all” “”
2020-08-06T17:22:03Z D! [inputs.snmp] Executing “snmptranslate” “-Td” “-Ob” “SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.25053.”
2020-08-06T17:22:03Z D! [inputs.snmp] Error in plugin: agent udp:// parsing host: address udp:// too many colons in address
2020-08-06T17:22:03Z D! [inputs.snmp] Executing “snmptranslate” “-Td” “-Ob” “-m” “all” “.”
2020-08-06T17:22:03Z D! [inputs.snmp] Executing “snmptranslate” “-Td” “-Ob” “-m” “all” “.”
2020-08-06T17:22:03Z D! [inputs.snmp] Executing “snmptranslate” “-Td” “-Ob” “SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.12356.”
2020-08-06T17:22:03Z D! [inputs.snmp] Error in plugin: agent udp:// parsing host: address udp:// too many colons in address
2020-08-06T17:22:03Z D! [inputs.snmp] Executing “snmptranslate” “-Td” “-Ob” “SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.12356.”
2020-08-06T17:22:04Z D! [inputs.snmp] Error in plugin: agent udp:// parsing host: address udp:// too many colons in address
2020-08-06T17:22:10Z D! [outputs.influxdb] Buffer fullness: 0 / 10000 metrics
2020-08-06T17:22:20Z D! [outputs.influxdb] Buffer fullness: 0 / 10000 metrics
2020-08-06T17:22:30Z D! [outputs.influxdb] Buffer fullness: 0 / 10000 metrics
2020-08-06T17:22:40Z D! [outputs.influxdb] Buffer fullness: 0 / 10000 metrics
2020-08-06T17:22:50Z D! [outputs.influxdb] Buffer fullness: 0 / 10000 metrics
2020-08-06T17:23:00Z D! [outputs.influxdb] Buffer fullness: 0 / 10000 metrics
2020-08-06T17:23:00Z D! [inputs.snmp] Error in plugin: agent udp:// performing get on field sysDescr: write udp> i/o timeout
2020-08-06T17:23:00Z D! [inputs.snmp] Error in plugin: agent udp:// gathering table interface: performing bulk walk for field Descr: write udp> i/o timeout
2020-08-06T17:23:00Z D! [inputs.snmp] Error in plugin: agent udp:// gathering table ifXTable: performing bulk walk for field ifDescr: write udp> i/o timeout
2020-08-06T17:23:00Z D! [inputs.snmp] Error in plugin: agent udp:// performing get on field sysDescr: write udp> i/o timeout
2020-08-06T17:23:00Z D! [inputs.snmp] Error in plugin: agent udp:// performing get on field sysDescr: write udp> i/o timeout
2020-08-06T17:23:00Z D! [inputs.snmp] Error in plugin: agent udp:// gathering table interface: performing bulk walk for field Descr: write udp> i/o timeout
2020-08-06T17:23:00Z D! [inputs.snmp] Error in plugin: agent udp:// gathering table interface: performing bulk walk for field Descr: write udp> i/o timeout
2020-08-06T17:23:00Z D! [inputs.snmp] Error in plugin: agent udp:// gathering table ifXTable: performing bulk walk for field ifDescr: write udp> i/o timeout
2020-08-06T17:23:00Z D! [inputs.snmp] Error in plugin: agent udp:// gathering table ifXTable: performing bulk walk for field ifDescr: write udp> i/o timeout
2020-08-06T17:23:10Z D! [outputs.influxdb] Buffer fullness: 0 / 10000 metrics
2020-08-06T17:23:20Z D! [outputs.influxdb] Buffer fullness: 0 / 10000 metrics
2020-08-06T17:23:30Z D! [outputs.influxdb] Buffer fullness: 0 / 10000 metrics
2020-08-06T17:23:40Z D! [outputs.influxdb] Buffer fullness: 0 / 10000 metrics
2020-08-06T17:23:50Z D! [outputs.influxdb] Buffer fullness: 0 / 10000 metrics
2020-08-06T17:24:00Z D! [outputs.influxdb] Buffer fullness: 0 / 10000 metrics
2020-08-06T17:24:00Z D! [inputs.snmp] Error in plugin: agent udp:// performing get on field sysDescr: write udp> i/o timeout
2020-08-06T17:24:00Z D! [inputs.snmp] Error in plugin: agent udp:// performing get on field sysDescr: write udp> i/o timeout
2020-08-06T17:24:00Z D! [inputs.snmp] Error in plugin: agent udp:// gathering table interface: performing bulk walk for field Descr: write udp> i/o timeout
2020-08-06T17:24:00Z D! [inputs.snmp] Error in plugin: agent udp:// gathering table interface: performing bulk walk for field Descr: write udp> i/o timeout
2020-08-06T17:24:00Z D! [inputs.snmp] Error in plugin: agent udp:// performing get on field sysDescr: write udp> i/o timeout
2020-08-06T17:24:00Z D! [inputs.snmp] Error in plugin: agent udp:// gathering table ifXTable: performing bulk walk for field ifDescr: write udp> i/o timeout
2020-08-06T17:24:00Z D! [inputs.snmp] Error in plugin: agent udp:// gathering table ifXTable: performing bulk walk for field ifDescr: write udp> i/o timeout
2020-08-06T17:24:00Z D! [inputs.snmp] Error in plugin: agent udp:// gathering table interface: performing bulk walk for field Descr: write udp> i/o timeout
2020-08-06T17:24:00Z D! [inputs.snmp] Error in plugin: agent udp:// gathering table ifXTable: performing bulk walk for field ifDescr: write udp> i/o timeout
2020-08-06T17:24:10Z D! [outputs.influxdb] Buffer fullness: 0 / 10000 metrics
2020-08-06T17:24:20Z D! [outputs.influxdb] Buffer fullness: 0 / 10000 metrics
2020-08-06T17:24:30Z D! [outputs.influxdb] Buffer fullness: 0 / 10000 metrics
2020-08-06T17:24:40Z D! [outputs.influxdb] Buffer fullness: 0 / 10000 metrics
2020-08-06T17:24:50Z D! [outputs.influxdb] Buffer fullness: 0 / 10000 metrics
2020-08-06T17:25:00Z D! [outputs.influxdb] Buffer fullness: 0 / 10000 metrics
2020-08-06T17:25:00Z D! [inputs.snmp] Error in plugin: agent udp:// performing get on field sysDescr: write udp> i/o timeout
2020-08-06T17:25:00Z D! [inputs.snmp] Error in plugin: agent udp:// gathering table interface: performing bulk walk for field Descr: write udp> i/o timeout
2020-08-06T17:25:00Z D! [inputs.snmp] Error in plugin: agent udp:// performing get on field sysDescr: write udp> i/o timeout
2020-08-06T17:25:00Z D! [inputs.snmp] Error in plugin: agent udp:// gathering table interface: performing bulk walk for field Descr: write udp> i/o timeout
2020-08-06T17:25:00Z D! [inputs.snmp] Error in plugin: agent udp:// gathering table ifXTable: performing bulk walk for field ifDescr: write udp> i/o timeout
2020-08-06T17:25:00Z D! [inputs.snmp] Error in plugin: agent udp:// gathering table ifXTable: performing bulk walk for field ifDescr: write udp> i/o timeout
2020-08-06T17:25:00Z D! [inputs.snmp] Error in plugin: agent udp:// performing get on field sysDescr: write udp> i/o timeout
2020-08-06T17:25:00Z D! [inputs.snmp] Error in plugin: agent udp:// gathering table interface: performing bulk walk for field Descr: write udp> i/o timeout
2020-08-06T17:25:00Z D! [inputs.snmp] Error in plugin: agent udp:// gathering table ifXTable: performing bulk walk for field ifDescr: write udp> i/o timeout
2020-08-06T17:25:10Z D! [outputs.influxdb] Buffer fullness: 0 / 10000 metrics
2020-08-06T17:25:20Z D! [outputs.influxdb] Buffer fullness: 0 / 10000 metrics
2020-08-06T17:25:30Z D! [outputs.influxdb] Buffer fullness: 0 / 10000 metrics
indent preformatted text by 4 spaces
August 6, 2020, 5:31pm
important to mention.
this telegraf configuration works perfectly on ubuntu base telegraf agents.
You still have a permission related error, you must fix that first
August 6, 2020, 6:08pm
I can’t really understand why i get this permission error. I use PS shell as administrator.
August 7, 2020, 1:50pm
Could you try installing Telegraf as a windows service and see if that changes anything?
August 8, 2020, 7:20am
it is configured as a service.
but what is wired for me is that although i get this permission error i see input errors regarding inputs and agents from the config file, so it seems like it can access the file.
and just compliance of not able to pars the agents ip address.
attached my conf file and log.log.txt (12.2 KB) log.txt (12.2 KB) telegraf.conf.txt (4.2 KB)
August 8, 2020, 7:45am
ive found the issue in my file.
ive configured agents = [“udp://”]
(which works in ubuntu telegraf).
after changing it to agents = [“”] it works and send data to influxDB.
August 10, 2020, 8:48am
Awesome, glad you got it sorted.