PS C:\Program Files\telegraf> .\telegraf --config 'C:\Program Files\telegraf\telegraf.conf' --config-directory 'C:\Program Files\telegraf\' --test 2020-08-08T07:12:44Z I! Starting Telegraf 1.12.5 2020-08-08T07:12:44Z W! Telegraf is not permitted to read C:\Program Files\telegraf" --test 2020-08-08T07:12:44Z I! Loaded inputs: snmp snmp snmp 2020-08-08T07:12:44Z I! Loaded aggregators: 2020-08-08T07:12:44Z I! Loaded processors: 2020-08-08T07:12:44Z I! Loaded outputs: influxdb 2020-08-08T07:12:44Z I! Tags enabled: host=Chauncey-682 2020-08-08T07:12:44Z I! [agent] Config: Interval:1m0s, Quiet:false, Hostname:"Chauncey-682", Flush Interval:10s 2020-08-08T07:12:44Z D! [agent] Initializing plugins 2020-08-08T07:12:44Z D! [agent] Connecting outputs 2020-08-08T07:12:44Z D! [agent] Attempting connection to [outputs.influxdb] 2020-08-08T07:12:44Z D! [agent] Successfully connected to outputs.influxdb 2020-08-08T07:12:44Z D! [agent] Starting service inputs 2020-08-08T07:13:00Z D! [inputs.snmp] Executing "snmptranslate" "-Td" "-Ob" "IF-MIB::ifTable" 2020-08-08T07:13:00Z D! [outputs.influxdb] Buffer fullness: 0 / 10000 metrics 2020-08-08T07:13:00Z D! [inputs.snmp] Executing "snmptranslate" "-Td" "IF-MIB::ifTable.1" 2020-08-08T07:13:00Z D! [inputs.snmp] Executing "snmptable" "-Ch" "-Cl" "-c" "public" "" "IF-MIB::ifTable" 2020-08-08T07:13:00Z D! [inputs.snmp] Executing "snmptranslate" "-Td" "-Ob" "IF-MIB::ifDescr" 2020-08-08T07:13:00Z D! [inputs.snmp] Executing "snmptranslate" "-Td" "-Ob" "IF-MIB::ifIndex" 2020-08-08T07:13:00Z D! [inputs.snmp] Executing "snmptranslate" "-Td" "-Ob" "IF-MIB::ifType" 2020-08-08T07:13:00Z D! [inputs.snmp] Executing "snmptranslate" "-Td" "-Ob" "IF-MIB::ifMtu" 2020-08-08T07:13:00Z D! [inputs.snmp] Executing "snmptranslate" "-Td" "-Ob" "IF-MIB::ifSpeed" 2020-08-08T07:13:00Z D! [inputs.snmp] Executing "snmptranslate" "-Td" "-Ob" "IF-MIB::ifPhysAddress" 2020-08-08T07:13:00Z D! [inputs.snmp] Executing "snmptranslate" "-Td" "-Ob" "IF-MIB::ifAdminStatus" 2020-08-08T07:13:00Z D! [inputs.snmp] Executing "snmptranslate" "-Td" "-Ob" "IF-MIB::ifOperStatus" 2020-08-08T07:13:00Z D! [inputs.snmp] Executing "snmptranslate" "-Td" "-Ob" "IF-MIB::ifLastChange" 2020-08-08T07:13:00Z D! [inputs.snmp] Executing "snmptranslate" "-Td" "-Ob" "IF-MIB::ifInOctets" 2020-08-08T07:13:00Z D! [inputs.snmp] Executing "snmptranslate" "-Td" "-Ob" "IF-MIB::ifInUcastPkts" 2020-08-08T07:13:00Z D! [inputs.snmp] Executing "snmptranslate" "-Td" "-Ob" "IF-MIB::ifInNUcastPkts" 2020-08-08T07:13:01Z D! [inputs.snmp] Executing "snmptranslate" "-Td" "-Ob" "IF-MIB::ifInDiscards" 2020-08-08T07:13:01Z D! [inputs.snmp] Executing "snmptranslate" "-Td" "-Ob" "IF-MIB::ifInErrors" 2020-08-08T07:13:01Z D! [inputs.snmp] Executing "snmptranslate" "-Td" "-Ob" "IF-MIB::ifInUnknownProtos" 2020-08-08T07:13:01Z D! [inputs.snmp] Executing "snmptranslate" "-Td" "-Ob" "IF-MIB::ifOutOctets" 2020-08-08T07:13:01Z D! [inputs.snmp] Executing "snmptranslate" "-Td" "-Ob" "IF-MIB::ifOutUcastPkts" 2020-08-08T07:13:01Z D! [inputs.snmp] Executing "snmptranslate" "-Td" "-Ob" "IF-MIB::ifOutNUcastPkts" 2020-08-08T07:13:01Z D! [inputs.snmp] Executing "snmptranslate" "-Td" "-Ob" "IF-MIB::ifOutDiscards" 2020-08-08T07:13:01Z D! [inputs.snmp] Executing "snmptranslate" "-Td" "-Ob" "IF-MIB::ifOutErrors" 2020-08-08T07:13:01Z D! [inputs.snmp] Executing "snmptranslate" "-Td" "-Ob" "IF-MIB::ifOutQLen" 2020-08-08T07:13:01Z D! [inputs.snmp] Executing "snmptranslate" "-Td" "-Ob" "IF-MIB::ifSpecific" 2020-08-08T07:13:01Z D! [inputs.snmp] Executing "snmptranslate" "-Td" "-Ob" "IF-MIB::ifXTable" 2020-08-08T07:13:01Z D! [inputs.snmp] Executing "snmptranslate" "-Td" "IF-MIB::ifXTable.1" 2020-08-08T07:13:01Z D! [inputs.snmp] Executing "snmptable" "-Ch" "-Cl" "-c" "public" "" "IF-MIB::ifXTable" 2020-08-08T07:13:01Z D! [inputs.snmp] Executing "snmptranslate" "-Td" "-Ob" "IF-MIB::ifName" 2020-08-08T07:13:01Z D! [inputs.snmp] Executing "snmptranslate" "-Td" "-Ob" "IF-MIB::ifInMulticastPkts" 2020-08-08T07:13:01Z D! [inputs.snmp] Executing "snmptranslate" "-Td" "-Ob" "IF-MIB::ifInBroadcastPkts" 2020-08-08T07:13:02Z D! [inputs.snmp] Executing "snmptranslate" "-Td" "-Ob" "IF-MIB::ifOutMulticastPkts" 2020-08-08T07:13:02Z D! [inputs.snmp] Executing "snmptranslate" "-Td" "-Ob" "IF-MIB::ifOutBroadcastPkts" 2020-08-08T07:13:02Z D! [inputs.snmp] Executing "snmptranslate" "-Td" "-Ob" "IF-MIB::ifHCInOctets" 2020-08-08T07:13:02Z D! [inputs.snmp] Executing "snmptranslate" "-Td" "-Ob" "IF-MIB::ifHCInUcastPkts" 2020-08-08T07:13:02Z D! [inputs.snmp] Executing "snmptranslate" "-Td" "-Ob" "IF-MIB::ifHCInMulticastPkts" 2020-08-08T07:13:02Z D! [inputs.snmp] Executing "snmptranslate" "-Td" "-Ob" "IF-MIB::ifHCInBroadcastPkts" 2020-08-08T07:13:02Z D! [inputs.snmp] Executing "snmptranslate" "-Td" "-Ob" "IF-MIB::ifHCOutOctets" 2020-08-08T07:13:02Z D! [inputs.snmp] Executing "snmptranslate" "-Td" "-Ob" "IF-MIB::ifHCOutUcastPkts" 2020-08-08T07:13:02Z D! [inputs.snmp] Executing "snmptranslate" "-Td" "-Ob" "IF-MIB::ifHCOutMulticastPkts" 2020-08-08T07:13:02Z D! [inputs.snmp] Executing "snmptranslate" "-Td" "-Ob" "IF-MIB::ifHCOutBroadcastPkts" 2020-08-08T07:13:02Z D! [inputs.snmp] Executing "snmptranslate" "-Td" "-Ob" "IF-MIB::ifLinkUpDownTrapEnable" 2020-08-08T07:13:02Z D! [inputs.snmp] Executing "snmptranslate" "-Td" "-Ob" "IF-MIB::ifHighSpeed" 2020-08-08T07:13:02Z D! [inputs.snmp] Executing "snmptranslate" "-Td" "-Ob" "IF-MIB::ifPromiscuousMode" 2020-08-08T07:13:02Z D! [inputs.snmp] Executing "snmptranslate" "-Td" "-Ob" "IF-MIB::ifConnectorPresent" 2020-08-08T07:13:02Z D! [inputs.snmp] Executing "snmptranslate" "-Td" "-Ob" "IF-MIB::ifAlias" 2020-08-08T07:13:02Z D! [inputs.snmp] Executing "snmptranslate" "-Td" "-Ob" "IF-MIB::ifCounterDiscontinuityTime" 2020-08-08T07:13:03Z D! [inputs.snmp] Executing "snmptranslate" "-Td" "-Ob" "SNMPv2-MIB::sysDescr.0" 2020-08-08T07:13:03Z D! [inputs.snmp] Executing "snmptranslate" "-Td" "-Ob" "RFC1213-MIB::sysName.0" 2020-08-08T07:13:03Z D! [inputs.snmp] Executing "snmptranslate" "-Td" "-Ob" "DISMAN-EXPRESSION-MIB::sysUpTimeInstance" 2020-08-08T07:13:03Z D! [inputs.snmp] Executing "snmptranslate" "-Td" "-Ob" "SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.25053." 2020-08-08T07:13:03Z D! [inputs.snmp] Executing "snmptranslate" "-Td" "-Ob" "-m" "all" "." 2020-08-08T07:13:03Z D! [inputs.snmp] Executing "snmptranslate" "-Td" "-Ob" "-m" "all" "." 2020-08-08T07:13:03Z D! [inputs.snmp] Error in plugin: agent udp:// parsing host: address udp:// too many colons in address 2020-08-08T07:13:03Z D! [inputs.snmp] Executing "snmptranslate" "-Td" "-Ob" "SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.12356." 2020-08-08T07:13:03Z D! [inputs.snmp] Executing "snmptranslate" "-Td" "-Ob" "SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.12356." 2020-08-08T07:13:03Z D! [inputs.snmp] Error in plugin: agent udp:// parsing host: address udp:// too many colons in address 2020-08-08T07:13:03Z D! [inputs.snmp] Executing "snmptranslate" "-Td" "-Ob" "SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.1991." 2020-08-08T07:13:03Z D! [inputs.snmp] Executing "snmptranslate" "-Td" "-Ob" "SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.1991." 2020-08-08T07:13:03Z D! [inputs.snmp] Executing "snmptranslate" "-Td" "-Ob" "-m" "all" "" 2020-08-08T07:13:03Z D! [inputs.snmp] Error in plugin: agent udp:// parsing host: address udp:// too many colons in address 2020-08-08T07:13:10Z D! [outputs.influxdb] Buffer fullness: 0 / 10000 metrics 2020-08-08T07:13:20Z D! [outputs.influxdb] Buffer fullness: 0 / 10000 metrics 2020-08-08T07:13:30Z D! [outputs.influxdb] Buffer fullness: 0 / 10000 metrics 2020-08-08T07:13:40Z D! [outputs.influxdb] Buffer fullness: 0 / 10000 metrics 2020-08-08T07:13:50Z D! [outputs.influxdb] Buffer fullness: 0 / 10000 metrics 2020-08-08T07:14:00Z D! [inputs.snmp] Error in plugin: agent udp:// performing get on field sysDescr: write udp> i/o timeout 2020-08-08T07:14:00Z D! [inputs.snmp] Error in plugin: agent udp:// performing get on field sysDescr: write udp> i/o timeout 2020-08-08T07:14:00Z D! [outputs.influxdb] Buffer fullness: 0 / 10000 metrics 2020-08-08T07:14:00Z D! [inputs.snmp] Error in plugin: agent udp:// performing get on field sysDescr: write udp> i/o timeout 2020-08-08T07:14:00Z D! [inputs.snmp] Error in plugin: agent udp:// gathering table interface: performing bulk walk for field Descr: write udp> i/o timeout 2020-08-08T07:14:00Z D! [inputs.snmp] Error in plugin: agent udp:// gathering table interface: performing bulk walk for field Descr: write udp> i/o timeout 2020-08-08T07:14:00Z D! [inputs.snmp] Error in plugin: agent udp:// gathering table interface: performing bulk walk for field Descr: write udp> i/o timeout 2020-08-08T07:14:00Z D! [inputs.snmp] Error in plugin: agent udp:// gathering table ifXTable: performing bulk walk for field ifDescr: write udp> i/o timeout 2020-08-08T07:14:00Z D! [inputs.snmp] Error in plugin: agent udp:// gathering table ifXTable: performing bulk walk for field ifDescr: write udp> i/o timeout 2020-08-08T07:14:00Z D! [inputs.snmp] Error in plugin: agent udp:// gathering table ifXTable: performing bulk walk for field ifDescr: write udp> i/o timeout 2020-08-08T07:14:10Z D! [outputs.influxdb] Buffer fullness: 0 / 10000 metrics 2020-08-08T07:14:20Z D! [outputs.influxdb] Buffer fullness: 0 / 10000 metrics 2020-08-08T07:14:30Z D! [outputs.influxdb] Buffer fullness: 0 / 10000 metrics 2020-08-08T07:14:40Z D! [outputs.influxdb] Buffer fullness: 0 / 10000 metrics 2020-08-08T07:14:50Z D! [outputs.influxdb] Buffer fullness: 0 / 10000 metrics 2020-08-08T07:15:00Z D! [inputs.snmp] Error in plugin: agent udp:// performing get on field sysDescr: write udp> i/o timeout 2020-08-08T07:15:00Z D! [inputs.snmp] Error in plugin: agent udp:// gathering table interface: performing bulk walk for field Descr: write udp> i/o timeout 2020-08-08T07:15:00Z D! [inputs.snmp] Error in plugin: agent udp:// performing get on field sysDescr: write udp> i/o timeout 2020-08-08T07:15:00Z D! [outputs.influxdb] Buffer fullness: 0 / 10000 metrics 2020-08-08T07:15:00Z D! [inputs.snmp] Error in plugin: agent udp:// performing get on field sysDescr: write udp> i/o timeout 2020-08-08T07:15:00Z D! [inputs.snmp] Error in plugin: agent udp:// gathering table interface: performing bulk walk for field Descr: write udp> i/o timeout 2020-08-08T07:15:00Z D! [inputs.snmp] Error in plugin: agent udp:// gathering table ifXTable: performing bulk walk for field ifDescr: write udp> i/o timeout 2020-08-08T07:15:00Z D! [inputs.snmp] Error in plugin: agent udp:// gathering table interface: performing bulk walk for field Descr: write udp> i/o timeout 2020-08-08T07:15:00Z D! [inputs.snmp] Error in plugin: agent udp:// gathering table ifXTable: performing bulk walk for field ifDescr: write udp> i/o timeout 2020-08-08T07:15:00Z D! [inputs.snmp] Error in plugin: agent udp:// gathering table ifXTable: performing bulk walk for field ifDescr: write udp> i/o timeout 2020-08-08T07:15:10Z D! [outputs.influxdb] Buffer fullness: 0 / 10000 metrics 2020-08-08T07:15:13Z D! [agent] Stopping service inputs 2020-08-08T07:15:13Z D! [agent] Input channel closed 2020-08-08T07:15:13Z I! [agent] Hang on, flushing any cached metrics before shutdown 2020-08-08T07:15:13Z D! [outputs.influxdb] Buffer fullness: 0 / 10000 metrics 2020-08-08T07:15:13Z D! [agent] Closing outputs 2020-08-08T07:15:13Z D! [agent] Stopped Successfully