Telegraf Netflow query with influxdb

Hi, I am running telegraf 1.31.2 with influxdb and Netflow plugin with softflowd on an openwrt x86 router. When I try to create some queries for Netflow I noticed that the traffic amount volume reported in the query is very low. When I run softflowctl statistics I get a decent amount of traffic for 2/3 day’s worth

Expired flow statistics:  minimum       average       maximum
  Flow bytes:                  28        207980    2203645109
  Flow packets:                 1           241       2545964
  Duration:                  0.00s        53.01s    138384.52s

Expired flow reasons:
       tcp =     13961   tcp.rst =     35841   tcp.fin =     44933
       udp =    197940      icmp =      1754   general =        73
   maxlife =         0
over 2 GiB =         2
  maxflows =      2323
   flushed =         0

Per-protocol statistics:     Octets      Packets   Avg Life    Max Life
           icmp (1):        2896636        19704      68.69s    4182.52s
           igmp (2):        1060880        26507    4865.04s  133519.63s
            tcp (6):    29211319158     38001358     136.40s   93805.02s
           udp (17):    32518911694     33453436      10.53s  138384.52s

for example above there are some flows with over 2GB

but when I use the below query the max flow I get is 1.5MB only. Also, the logs do not show any errors/warnings what am I doing wrong here?

from(bucket: "openwrt")
  |> range(start: v.timeRangeStart, stop: v.timeRangeStop)
  |> filter(fn: (r) => r["_measurement"] == "netflow")
  |> filter(fn: (r) =>  r["_field"] == "in_bytes" or r["_field"] == "src" or r["_field"] == "dst")
  |> pivot(rowKey: ["_time"], columnKey: ["_field"], valueColumn: "_value")
  |> sort(columns: ["in_bytes"], desc: true)

It seems you opened up an issue, so we can track this there: Netflow Plugin does not collect all flows · Issue #15676 · influxdata/telegraf · GitHub