Reviewing 2.0 GA Roadmap


Reading the plan for 2.0, I will say this: there is no reason for anyone using influxdb 1.8 (including myself) with grafana to upgrade.

Reasons not to upgrade:
#1 - increased installation footprint - influxdb now comes with capacitor & telegraf. I would strongly suggest using an approach where all there applications are released in lock-step as individual RPMs or DEBs. It is not uncommon for a single application suite on Linux to have many component RPMs, e.g. openssh-client/openssh-server.

#2 - pushing remote protocol agents into telegraf. This increases the footprint of the database from just needing influxdb to also needing telegraf. To me this seems like a regression. It increases the failure points and latency of getting data into influxdb from other agents. This is a massive reason why I use influxdb: installation profile is easier and simpler than other options.

What I see is that you’ve got a well used and regarded time series database (influxdb) and now you’re trying to use that to leverage getting Kapacitor and Telegraf used by people that currently don’t need or desire to use either of them. (I’ve tried Kapacitor, deleted it the same day.)

As long as grafana continues to use InfluxQL, there’s no observable benefit for anyone to use 2.0 over 1.8.2. The query builder in grafana is very useful and being able to edit InfluxQL (being similar to SQL) makes it very user friendly. FluxQL is the complete opposite of being user friendly.

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Thanks dataMechanic. If what you have is working well, then by all means stay with it. We will continue to work on defect fixes and targeted feature improvements on the 1.x edition and, of course, it is our responsibility to create a compelling reason to upgrade.

To be clear, InfluxDB 2.0 comes with a native UI and a task subsystem based on Flux. It is integrated and built together as a whole. We actually deliver the various features, capabilities and subsystems via CI/CD to our Cloud service first. The OSS releases will be built on a recurring basis from these tested and validated bits.

InfluxDB 2.0 OSS GA will include compatibility APIs both both read (InfluxQL) and write. But, again, if there isn’t else you find compelling like - secure by default, organizational setup, etc. Stay with 1.8. We’ll continue to work to create some things that you may find compelling in the future.

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