Reduce data collection interval for one input source


Is there any option in Telegraf that would reduce to minimum data collection interval for one particular input source? We want data from Telegraf’s “TCP Listener” input plugin be delivered to InfluxDB as fast as possible.

You can change the interval per input plugin, there is more information here: Configuration | InfluxData Documentation Archive

Hi Daniel,

I have been trying to achieve the same functionality by using the following configurations but I am getting error and it won’t let start the telegraf service.

interval = “10s”
name = “avgHandleTimeSkill”
oid = “OVERSIGHT-MIB::avgHandleTimeSkill”

I see that you can configure input like


But I want to collect data for each sub-table of the input type like I mentioned above.

Is it possible? or can you please highlight what am I doing wrong here?

If you want to do this you will need to split the plugin up into multiple instances, one for each collection interval.

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