POST authorization error

Hi I’m new with v2 but used v1 for a long time. I am trying to write data to InfluxDB v2 using GSM.
I create a TCP connection to the localhost:8086 and create a POST but I have HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
{“code”:“unauthorized”,“message”:“unauthorized access”}

Any idea why?

The Token has all the permissions to write.

My log is this:
13:59:31.902 → AT+CIPSTART=“TCP”,140.XX.XX.XX,8086
13:59:31.902 → CONNECT OK
13:59:40.149 → POST /api/v2/write?org=OGS&bucket=TEST HTTP/1.1
13:59:40.149 → Authorization: Token TOKEN
13:59:40.149 → Accept: application/json
13:59:40.149 → Content-Encoding: identity
13:59:40.149 → Host: 140.XX.XX.XX:8086
13:59:40.149 → Content-Type: text/plain
13:59:40.149 → Content-Length: 57
13:59:40.149 →
13:59:40.149 → DATA_COCAL,tag=COCAL_6,Conn=GSM LAT=45.6,LNG=13.7,BM_T=10
13:59:40.196 → OK
13:59:40.196 → +CIPRCV,276:HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
13:59:40.196 → Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
13:59:40.196 → X-Influxdb-Build: OSS
13:59:40.196 → X-Influxdb-Version: v2.6.1
13:59:40.196 → X-Platform-Error-Code: unauthorized
13:59:40.196 → Date: Wed, 08 Feb 2023 12:59:32 GMT
13:59:40.196 → Content-Length: 55
13:59:40.196 →
13:59:40.196 → {“code”:“unauthorized”,“message”:“unauthorized access”}