Member management is difficult InfluxDB OSS V2

I have an InfluxDB OSS instance in the a cloud VM. I was able to use the UI to create organizations, buckets, tokens, etc.

However, creating and managing user seems extremely inefficient or even unfeasible (unless I am missing something).

  1. To create a user, I need to use CLI instead of UI. Seems UI should be the default way.
  2. The only way for the user to change the password also through CLI? So now I need to provide each new user with a token, and user needs to install influx CLI, configure it to the VM instance, then use CLI to change password? This seems very roundabout and inconvenient for the users
  3. There’s also no way to assign roles to users besides Member or Admin

Am i missing something obvious or is the outline above the expected sequence?

Youre right you can only manage users in the CLI

Unfortunately you’re correct. Unfortunately we can’t offer all features on the OSS versions…this is one of those limited badwidth/need to make money somehow instances.