Manual Inserting of Records using CLI

Hi all

I’m having problems manually inserting a record. My DB looks like this

> select * from SPIRIT_DATA
time                date       jardin piscina rain solar
----                ----       ------ ------- ---- -----
1671749940047611445 2022-12-22 11452  0            41.73
1671839068765799665 2022-12-24 0      0       0.00 0.00
1671839262985976404 2022-12-24 0      0       0.00 0.00

I am trying to add a record manually but it’s giving a bad timestamp error


> insert date=2022-12-23 jardin=6613 piscina=0 rain=0.00 solar=49.38 1671836340
ERR: {"error":"unable to parse 'date=2022-12-23 jardin=6613 piscina=0 rain=0.00 solar=49.38 1671836340': bad timestamp"}


> insert SPIRIT_DATA,date=2022-12-23 jardin=6613 piscina=0 rain=0.00 solar=49.38 1671836340
ERR: {"error":"unable to parse 'SPIRIT_DATA,date=2022-12-23 jardin=6613 piscina=0 rain=0.00 solar=49.38 1671836340': bad timestamp"}

Where am I going wrong please ?

This isn’t line protocol. The tag must be strings and you need to follow this format:

insert SPIRIT_DATA,date="2022-12-23" jardin=6613,piscina=0,rain=0.00,solar=49.38 1671836340
Assuming you want the date to be a tag. Otherwise it would look like:
insert SPIRIT_DATA date="2022-12-23",jardin=6613,piscina=0,rain=0.00,solar=49.38 1671836340

Please consult the documentation.