Influxdb writing data query

I am accessing influxdb(http://localhost:8083/) from Windows. I want to insert my data from a text file with line protocol.

The format of text file is : ‘ice,category=Arctic value=12.72 199001’

                                    'ice,category=Antarctic value=2.72 199001'

My writing data query is : curl -i -XPOST ‘http://localhost:8083/write?db=CIS660’ --data-binary @E:\FALL17\CIS660\Project\final\insert.txt

But I am getting ‘Invalid field error’. I have also tried it by adding quotes but getting the same error.


Also, when I am manually adding the data the timestamp is ‘1970-01-01T00:00:00.000199001Z’ instead of just 199001 (YYYYMM).

Can someone please guide me?