Hi All,
last weekend I learned about InfluxDB for the first time. I watched an introductory lecture on Youtube. However, it was still related to version 1.x.
Obviously, however, it makes sense to start with the current version 2 right away.
In the lecture it was shown how to load data into a database quite simply and directly via HTTP, i.e. with the tool curl. All these examples can also be found in the old documentation:
However, this is no longer found in this form in the documentation for version 2 (see linked page) Does this no longer work?
I am looking for a simple way to transfer existing measurement data (text documents) into a database using only shell tools (BASH, AWK…).
Furthermore I read that you can specify the timestamp in the “Line Protocol” in different resolutions (ns/us/ms/s) as integer. More convenient would be a representation as ISO string (“2021-04-12T20:11:22Z”), as it is used in the outputs of the database. Is this also possible when entering data points?
Thank you and many greetings!
Hello @conne914,
Here’s an example with the CLI:
You’ll want to configure your CLI first. Here’s an example and useful blog:
Here’s how to write line protocol with the 2.0 api and cURL:
You might also find this thread relevant: Move data from Influx V1 to Influx V2 - #2 by Anaisdg
Line protocol requires that the timestamp be in unix timestamp. However, you can use the telegraf file plugin to help you convert data from a variety formats with different types of timestamps and convert it into line protocol telegraf/plugins/inputs/file at master · influxdata/telegraf · GitHub
Finally this resource could also be generally helpful
Hopefully I didn’t bombard you with too much information. Please give some of it a brief look and let me know if I can help you with any aspect in further detail.
Hi Anais,
that’s really a lot of information ! Thanks a lot!
I think it’s going to take me a while to digest all of this.
But I think this link gives me a good starting point for the first steps.
For now, an additional question: I assume that by specifying the timestamp you can also enter data in a different order than it was created? I mean, one could first write a script, which writes all newly arising measurement data into the database and later add offline further data from the time before the script was started (with specification of the real timestamp)?