MacOS 10.14.6 - issue in starting service influxdb

Hi Experts,

Need help in installation as not able start services after installation following are the logs

(base) HARAVAL-M-M02L:~ haraval$ brew install influxdb
Updating Homebrew…
==> Auto-updated Homebrew!
Updated 3 taps (homebrew/core, homebrew/cask and caskroom/cask).
==> New Formulae
mapcidr smu
==> Updated Formulae
Updated 63 formulae.
==> New Casks
utterly utterly
==> Updated Casks
Updated 74 casks.
==> Downloading
Already downloaded: /Users/haraval/Library/Caches/Homebrew/downloads/d7263bd84e49067c05538c75430ab568f5f952cbf6beddebe273f203af970c09–influxdb-2.0.4.mojave.bottle.tar.gz
==> Pouring influxdb-2.0.4.mojave.bottle.tar.gz
:beer: /usr/local/Cellar/influxdb/2.0.4: 7 files, 134.5MB
(base) HARAVAL-M-M02L:~ haraval$

(base) HARAVAL-M-M02L:~ haraval$ brew services start influxdb
Error: Formula influxdb has not implemented #plist or installed a locatable .plist file

(base) HARAVAL-M-M02L:~ haraval$ ls -a /usr/local/opt/influxdb
. … .brew INSTALL_RECEIPT.json LICENSE bin

(base) HARAVAL-M-M02L:~ haraval$ ls -a /usr/local/Cellar/influxdb/2.0.4
. … .brew INSTALL_RECEIPT.json LICENSE bin

I am having the same issue on a fresh installed Catalina OS iMac and updated brew.
==> Reinstalling influxdb
==> Pouring influxdb-2.0.4.catalina.bottle.tar.gz
:beer: /usr/local/Cellar/influxdb/2.0.4: 7 files, 134.1MB

% brew services start influxdb
Error: Formula influxdb has not implemented #plist or installed a locatable .plist file

Appreciate your response…

Getting the same error even after reinstall, logs below

(base) HARAVAL-M-M02L:~ haraval$ brew reinstall influxdb

==> Downloading

Already downloaded: /Users/haraval/Library/Caches/Homebrew/downloads/d7263bd84e49067c05538c75430ab568f5f952cbf6beddebe273f203af970c09–influxdb-2.0.4.mojave.bottle.tar.gz

==> Reinstalling influxdb

==> Pouring influxdb-2.0.4.mojave.bottle.tar.gz

:beer: /usr/local/Cellar/influxdb/2.0.4: 7 files, 134.5MB

(base) HARAVAL-M-M02L:~ haraval$

(base) HARAVAL-M-M02L:~ haraval$

(base) HARAVAL-M-M02L:~ haraval$ brew services start influxdb

Error: Formula influxdb has not implemented #plist or installed a locatable .plist file

(base) HARAVAL-M-M02L:~ haraval$

Seems to be an issue with version 2 of InfluxDB. It worked for me when switching to version 1.8.
brew install influxdb@1
services start influxdb@1
==> Successfully started influxdb@1 (label: homebrew.mxcl.influxdb@1)

1 Like

Appreciate your support… thanks

same here with 2.04, unfortunately downgrade to 1.x is no option

Has this been resolved by anyone? I still have this issue mac os x 10.14.6 - influxdb–2.0.6.mojave.bottle.tar.gz