I am new to Influx and have setup a PLC data being read in NodeRed and being written to InfluxDB. I noticed that the log isn’t continuous and if the value doesn’t change, data isn’t logged.
Is there a way to log continous data so I can have live trending in Grafana.
You can skip InfluxDB and use Node-RED to publish to an MQTT broker, and then use Grafana to subscribe to the same broker & topic. It’s still very much a beta plugin, but it does give you “live trending” in Grafana.
I’d say skip node red and store directly on InfluxDB through telegraph ( assuming the way he is communicating with his PLC allows it).
I pull at least 200 variables on each PLC every 2 seconds from near 200 PLCs (OSS InfluxDB of course)
At the same time I stream the most important variables to a “live” dashboard using a web socked in telegraph to grafana and also have historic dashboards that querry fron InfluxDB, for all the other data.
I also use Node-Red for a more smart post procesing of the data (based on events and logic rather than a task that runs every given time)
Try installing RSLinx Classic to expose ABCIP data via OPC. Then use the OPCDA telegraf plugin to push data. It’s a long setup but it’s the only way i know.