I just installed influxdb v1.7 on linux and I’m trying to understand it so basicly I’m a noob in the influx`s world. I understood that there are a web api that I can use to query but it seems that something is wrong. Whenever I try to query via http (and port 8086) on my pc I’m getting the 404 error page not found.
There is no GUI or web application built into InfluxDB 1.7 itself. The http section in the config provides an HTTP API which can be used to interact with the database using the client libraries, InfluxDB CLI, or Chronograf.
Chronograf is the main GUI for the TICK Stack, and can be used for data exploration and dashboards, as well as basic administrative functions for both InfluxDB and Kapacitor. You can find documentation for Chronograf here, including installation instructions.