InfluxDB 2.1 on Debian - getting 404 when trying to access UI at port 8086?

Sorry, this feels like a incredibly silly question…possibly I missed something in docs.

I’ve been away from InfluxDB for a long while. I just installed the latest stable (InfluxDB 2.1) on a Debian (Bookworm) machine, and I’ve started the InfluxDB service.

I see that InfluxDB 2.x has a new fancy web UI, that is apparently meant to listen on 8086.

The Debian machine is headless, so I’m connecting to that port from another local machine - and I get a HTTP 404 when trying to access http://<ip_address>:8086:

404 page not found

I checked /etc/influxdb/influxdb.conf (which is still at the package default version), and under [http], all of the options are commented out (i.e. I assume using defaults):

  # Determines whether HTTP endpoint is enabled.
  # enabled = true

  # Determines whether the Flux query endpoint is enabled.
  # flux-enabled = false

  # Determines whether the Flux query logging is enabled.
  # flux-log-enabled = false

  # The bind address used by the HTTP service.
  # bind-address = ":8086"

I assume the above means it binds to, right? So it should work from another host.

Just in case, I did also try a SSH tunnel, port-forwarding local port 8086 from the machine via SSH, and it also gave me a 404 - so it seems like I must be simply using the wrong address to access the UI? Or is there something else you need to do to enable it?

Hi @victorhooi,
Great to have you back! That is strange as you are correct there should be no issue in connecting to the InfluxDB UI from another device. Could you check the InfluxDB service logs and check there is no fall over errors? You don’t have an old instance of InfluxDB that might be hogging the port still?


Hmm - well, the weird thing it’s not so much a problem connecting - but that it gives a HTTP 404.

I checked journalctl - u influxdb.service, this is the full output:

Mar 18 19:47:31 foo-monitoring systemd[1]: Starting InfluxDB is an open-source, distributed, time series database...
Mar 18 19:47:31 foo-monitoring[1500]: Merging with configuration at: /etc/influxdb/influxdb.conf
Mar 18 19:47:31 foo-monitoring[1498]: ts=2022-03-18T08:47:31.853367Z lvl=info msg="InfluxDB starting" log_id=0_J3D83G000 version=1.8.10 branch=1.8 commit=688e697c51fd
Mar 18 19:47:31 foo-monitoring[1498]: ts=2022-03-18T08:47:31.853399Z lvl=info msg="Go runtime" log_id=0_J3D83G000 version=go1.13.8 maxprocs=2
Mar 18 19:47:31 foo-monitoring[1516]: Merging with configuration at: /etc/influxdb/influxdb.conf
Mar 18 19:47:31 foo-monitoring[1497]: InfluxDB API unavailable after 1 attempts...
Mar 18 19:47:31 foo-monitoring[1498]: ts=2022-03-18T08:47:31.956260Z lvl=info msg="Using data dir" log_id=0_J3D83G000 service=store path=/var/lib/influxdb/data
Mar 18 19:47:31 foo-monitoring[1498]: ts=2022-03-18T08:47:31.956343Z lvl=info msg="Compaction settings" log_id=0_J3D83G000 service=store max_concurrent_compactions=1 throughput_bytes_per_second=50331648 throughput_bytes_per_second_burst=50331648
Mar 18 19:47:31 foo-monitoring[1498]: ts=2022-03-18T08:47:31.956357Z lvl=info msg="Open store (start)" log_id=0_J3D83G000 service=store trace_id=0_J3D8T0000 op_name=tsdb_open op_event=start
Mar 18 19:47:31 foo-monitoring[1498]: ts=2022-03-18T08:47:31.956382Z lvl=info msg="Open store (end)" log_id=0_J3D83G000 service=store trace_id=0_J3D8T0000 op_name=tsdb_open op_event=end op_elapsed=0.026ms
Mar 18 19:47:31 foo-monitoring[1498]: ts=2022-03-18T08:47:31.956400Z lvl=info msg="Opened service" log_id=0_J3D83G000 service=subscriber
Mar 18 19:47:31 foo-monitoring[1498]: ts=2022-03-18T08:47:31.956404Z lvl=info msg="Starting monitor service" log_id=0_J3D83G000 service=monitor
Mar 18 19:47:31 foo-monitoring[1498]: ts=2022-03-18T08:47:31.956408Z lvl=info msg="Registered diagnostics client" log_id=0_J3D83G000 service=monitor name=build
Mar 18 19:47:31 foo-monitoring[1498]: ts=2022-03-18T08:47:31.956411Z lvl=info msg="Registered diagnostics client" log_id=0_J3D83G000 service=monitor name=runtime
Mar 18 19:47:31 foo-monitoring[1498]: ts=2022-03-18T08:47:31.956414Z lvl=info msg="Registered diagnostics client" log_id=0_J3D83G000 service=monitor name=network
Mar 18 19:47:31 foo-monitoring[1498]: ts=2022-03-18T08:47:31.956419Z lvl=info msg="Registered diagnostics client" log_id=0_J3D83G000 service=monitor name=system
Mar 18 19:47:31 foo-monitoring[1498]: ts=2022-03-18T08:47:31.956431Z lvl=info msg="Starting precreation service" log_id=0_J3D83G000 service=shard-precreation check_interval=10m advance_period=30m
Mar 18 19:47:31 foo-monitoring[1498]: ts=2022-03-18T08:47:31.956439Z lvl=info msg="Starting snapshot service" log_id=0_J3D83G000 service=snapshot
Mar 18 19:47:31 foo-monitoring[1498]: ts=2022-03-18T08:47:31.956445Z lvl=info msg="Starting continuous query service" log_id=0_J3D83G000 service=continuous_querier
Mar 18 19:47:31 foo-monitoring[1498]: ts=2022-03-18T08:47:31.956452Z lvl=info msg="Starting HTTP service" log_id=0_J3D83G000 service=httpd authentication=false
Mar 18 19:47:31 foo-monitoring[1498]: ts=2022-03-18T08:47:31.956456Z lvl=info msg="opened HTTP access log" log_id=0_J3D83G000 service=httpd path=stderr
Mar 18 19:47:31 foo-monitoring[1498]: ts=2022-03-18T08:47:31.956510Z lvl=info msg="Listening on HTTP" log_id=0_J3D83G000 service=httpd addr=[::]:8086 https=false
Mar 18 19:47:31 foo-monitoring[1498]: ts=2022-03-18T08:47:31.956518Z lvl=info msg="Starting retention policy enforcement service" log_id=0_J3D83G000 service=retention check_interval=30m
Mar 18 19:47:31 foo-monitoring[1498]: ts=2022-03-18T08:47:31.956731Z lvl=info msg="Listening for signals" log_id=0_J3D83G000
Mar 18 19:47:31 foo-monitoring[1498]: ts=2022-03-18T08:47:31.956820Z lvl=info msg="Sending usage statistics to" log_id=0_J3D83G000
Mar 18 19:47:31 foo-monitoring[1498]: ts=2022-03-18T08:47:31.957307Z lvl=info msg="Storing statistics" log_id=0_J3D83G000 service=monitor db_instance=_internal db_rp=monitor interval=10s
Mar 18 19:47:32 foo-monitoring[1498]: [httpd] - - [18/Mar/2022:19:47:32 +1100] "GET /health HTTP/1.1" 200 107 "-" "curl/7.81.0" 0d3bc70a-a698-11ec-8001-2e86f914d98a 125
Mar 18 19:47:32 foo-monitoring[1497]: InfluxDB started
Mar 18 19:47:32 foo-monitoring systemd[1]: Started InfluxDB is an open-source, distributed, time series database.
Mar 18 20:17:31 foo-monitoring[1498]: ts=2022-03-18T09:17:31.956973Z lvl=info msg="Retention policy deletion check (start)" log_id=0_J3D83G000 service=retention trace_id=0_J4v~i0000 op_name=retention_delete_check op_event=start
Mar 18 20:17:31 foo-monitoring[1498]: ts=2022-03-18T09:17:31.957523Z lvl=info msg="Retention policy deletion check (end)" log_id=0_J3D83G000 service=retention trace_id=0_J4v~i0000 op_name=retention_delete_check op_event=end op_elapsed=0.589ms
Mar 18 20:47:31 foo-monitoring[1498]: ts=2022-03-18T09:47:31.956967Z lvl=info msg="Retention policy deletion check (start)" log_id=0_J3D83G000 service=retention trace_id=0_J6dry0000 op_name=retention_delete_check op_event=start
Mar 18 20:47:31 foo-monitoring[1498]: ts=2022-03-18T09:47:31.957016Z lvl=info msg="Retention policy deletion check (end)" log_id=0_J3D83G000 service=retention trace_id=0_J6dry0000 op_name=retention_delete_check op_event=end op_elapsed=0.080ms
Mar 18 21:17:31 foo-monitoring[1498]: ts=2022-03-18T10:17:31.956929Z lvl=info msg="Retention policy deletion check (start)" log_id=0_J3D83G000 service=retention trace_id=0_J8MjD0000 op_name=retention_delete_check op_event=start
Mar 18 21:17:31 foo-monitoring[1498]: ts=2022-03-18T10:17:31.956993Z lvl=info msg="Retention policy deletion check (end)" log_id=0_J3D83G000 service=retention trace_id=0_J8MjD0000 op_name=retention_delete_check op_event=end op_elapsed=0.075ms

Hi @victorhooi, Looks like you are still using version 1.X. could you try downloading and install 2.X?

Yes - this was it! Thank you!

Sorry, I typed out the install instructions when I probably should have copy/pasted it =).

I just assumed that apt get install influxdb would pull the “latest” version of InfluxDB (i.e. 2.x) - I didn’t realise that influxdb == influxdb 1.x, and influxdb2 == influxdb 2.x. I’m guessing that’s something InfluxDB did intentionally, to not break existing InfluxDB 1.x installs, right?

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Hi @victorhooi,
You are correct since there is quite a big architecture change between 1.X and 2.X :slight_smile: