Kafka_consumer does not read timestamp from Kafka events

Hey folks, my goal is to pull metric events from a Kafka cluster and ingest them into an InfluxDB bucket.
The timestamp of each metric point should be taken from the Kafka event and is not part of the event payload. Is that possible?

With my current configuration the timestamp in InfluxDB is always set to the current day/time and not to the timestamp set in the Kafka event.

Below you can find my stripped down config,

  brokers = ["kafka.localhost:9092"]
  sasl_username = "user"
  sasl_password = "password"
  data_format = "value"
  data_type = "float"
  offset = "newest"

  urls = ["https://influx.localhost"]
  token = "asdf1234"
  organization = "company"
  bucket = "default"

@brennerm interesting. Could you please open a feature request for this!?!

Hey @srebhan, thanks for responding. Sure thing, here you go:

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