I am trying to create a template task in Kapacitor, same as the one mentioned in documentation (Template tasks | Kapacitor 1.5 Documentation). After days of drilling down, it turned out in the script
thorws error and was fixed by replacing the segment as
Hi I have tried using the same documentation ,
and I didn’t have to do the modification you did …
kapacitor show cpu_alert
ID: cpu_alert
Template: generic_mean_alert
Type: stream
Status: enabled
Executing: true
Created: 16 Apr 19 10:25 CEST
Modified: 16 Apr 19 10:35 CEST
LastEnabled: 16 Apr 19 10:35 CEST
Databases Retention Policies: ["telegraf"."autogen"]
// Which measurement to consume
var measurement string
// Optional where filter
var where_filter = lambda: TRUE
// Optional list of group by dimensions
var groups = [*]
// Which field to process
var field string
// Warning criteria, has access to 'mean' field
var warn lambda
// Critical criteria, has access to 'mean' field
var crit lambda
// How much data to window
var window = 5m
// The slack channel for alerts
// var slack_channel = '#alerts'
// .channel(slack_channel)
Name Type Value
crit lambda "mean" < 10.0
field string usage_idle
groups list [host, dc]
measurement string cpu
warn lambda "mean" < 80.0
where_filter lambda "cpu" == 'cpu-total'
window duration 1m0s
digraph cpu_alert {
graph [throughput="0.00 points/s"];
stream0 [avg_exec_time_ns="0s" errors="0" working_cardinality="0" ];
stream0 -> from1 [processed="54"];
from1 [avg_exec_time_ns="19.145µs" errors="0" working_cardinality="0" ];
from1 -> window2 [processed="18"];
window2 [avg_exec_time_ns="0s" errors="0" working_cardinality="1" ];
window2 -> mean3 [processed="2"];
mean3 [avg_exec_time_ns="1.963µs" errors="0" working_cardinality="1" ];
mean3 -> alert4 [processed="2"];
alert4 [alerts_inhibited="0" alerts_triggered="2" avg_exec_time_ns="0s" crits_triggered="0" errors="0" infos_triggered="0" oks_triggered="1" warns_triggered="1" working_cardinality="1" ];
and kept getting errors
like ts= lvl=error msg=“failed to realize reduce context from fields” service=kapacitor task_master=main task=executions node=mean2 err=“field \“field_name\” missing from point”
and error evaluating expression for level" service=kapacitor task_master=main task=executions node=alert4 err="mismatched type to binary operator. got string >= float. see bool(), int(), float(), string(), duration()"
only after doing the modifications as in the original post seemed to work and report alerts
I see no variable for measurement nor field ,
( that causes the error : node=mean2 err=“field \“field_name\” missing from point” )
and the second error is caused by the first error
If I change my field to usage_idle_from_measurement
I can reproduce your error ,
you use : var field = ‘field_name_from_influx’ but your error said :
err=“field \“field_name\” missing from point”
So the script is looking for a field named field_name and not for ‘field_name_from_influx’ ?
Maybe there is a special character in : var field = ‘field_name_from_influx’ ?
my error was :
ts=2019-04-16T17:19:10.001+02:00 lvl=error msg=“failed to realize reduce context from fields” service=kapacitor task_master=main task=cpu_alert node=influxdb_out4 err=“field “usage_idle_from_measurement” missing from point”
dbrp "database"."retentionpolicy"
var measurement = 'cloudwatch_aws_lambda'
var groupBy = []
var name = 'executions'
var idVar = name
var field = 'duration_maximum'
var message = ' {{.ID}} {{.Name}} {{.TaskName}} {{ index .Fields "value" }} {{.Level}} {{.Time}}'
var idTag = 'alertID'
var levelTag = 'level'
var messageField = 'message'
var durationField = 'duration'
var outputDB = 'chronograf'
var outputRP = 'autogen'
var outputMeasurement = 'lambda_executions'
var triggerType = 'threshold'
var crit lambda
.where(lambda: ("dc" == 'ea-cloudwatch'))
.tag('alertName', name)
.tag('triggerType', triggerType)
Name Type Value
crit lambda "value" > 100
msg="failed to realize reduce context from fields" service=kapacitor task_master=main task=alerts node=mean2 err="field \"duration_maximum\" missing from point"
Field names and measurement names are correct, as I copied directly from my influx database