Kapacitor 1.3 Windows 10 Getting Started - Problem with Alerts

Hello !

I’ve just begun with Kapacitor, InfluxDB and Telegraf. I’m trying to implement all little tasks presented in the InfluxData Getting Started (see that link: https://docs.influxdata.com/kapacitor/v1/introduction/getting-started/).

Everything is ok until the Trigger Alert from Stream data paragraph. I followed the instructions but I got the following error message:

“. expected: “number”,“string”,“duration”,“identifier”,“TRUE”,“FALSE”,”==“,”(“,”-“,”!"1 in "stream

Here is my command:

kapacitor define cpu_alert -type stream -tick cpu_alert.tick -dbrp kapacitor_example.autogen

Here is my cpu_alert.tick:

.crit(lambda: “usage_idle” < 70)

Finally here is my kapacitor.conf (following the instructions I found on the website):

httppost =
hostname = “localhost”
data_dir = “C:\Users\Louis\.kapacitor”
skip-config-overrides = false
default-retention-policy = “”

bind-address = “:9092”
auth-enabled = false
log-enabled = true
write-tracing = false
pprof-enabled = false
https-enabled = false
https-certificate = “/etc/ssl/kapacitor.pem”
shutdown-timeout = “10s”
shared-secret = “”

dir = “C:\Users\Louis\.kapacitor\replay”

boltdb = “C:\Users\Louis\.kapacitor\kapacitor.db”

dir = “C:\Users\Louis\.kapacitor\tasks”
snapshot-interval = “1m0s”

enabled = true
name = “default”
default = false
urls = [“http://localhost:8086”]
username = “”
password = “”
ssl-ca = “”
ssl-cert = “”
ssl-key = “”
insecure-skip-verify = false
timeout = “0s”
disable-subscriptions = false
subscription-protocol = “http”
kapacitor-hostname = “”
http-port = 0
udp-bind = “”
udp-buffer = 1000
udp-read-buffer = 0
startup-timeout = “5m0s”
subscriptions-sync-interval = “1m0s”
_kapacitor = [“autogen”]

file = “STDERR”
level = “DEBUG”

enabled = true

enabled = false
bind-address = “:25826”
database = “collectd”
retention-policy = “”
batch-size = 5000
batch-pending = 10
batch-timeout = “10s”
read-buffer = 0
typesdb = “/usr/share/collectd/types.db”

enabled = false
bind-address = “:4242”
database = “opentsdb”
retention-policy = “”
consistency-level = “one”
tls-enabled = false
certificate = “/etc/ssl/influxdb.pem”
batch-size = 1000
batch-pending = 5
batch-timeout = “1s”
log-point-errors = true

enabled = false
url = “”
insecure-skip-verify = false
token = “”
token-prefix = “”
environment = “”
origin = “”

enabled = false
url = “”
token = “”
room = “”
global = false
state-changes-only = false

enabled = false
api-key = “”
url = “https://api.opsgenie.com/v1/json/alert
recovery_url = “https://api.opsgenie.com/v1/json/alert/note
global = false

enabled = false
url = “https://events.pagerduty.com/generic/2010-04-15/create_event.json
service-key = “”
global = false

enabled = false
token = “”
user-key = “”
url = “https://api.pushover.net/1/messages.json

enabled = false
host = “localhost”
port = 25
username = “”
password = “”
no-verify = false
global = false
state-changes-only = false
from = “”
idle-timeout = “30s”

enabled = false
addr = “localhost:162”
community = “kapacitor”
retries = 1

enabled = false
addr = “”
source = “Kapacitor”

enabled = false
url = “”
channel = “”
username = “kapacitor”
icon-emoji = “”
global = false
state-changes-only = false
ssl-ca = “”
ssl-cert = “”
ssl-key = “”
insecure-skip-verify = false

enabled = false
url = “”
author_name = “”

enabled = false
url = “https://api.telegram.org/bot
token = “”
chat-id = “”
parse-mode = “”
disable-web-page-preview = false
disable-notification = false
global = false
state-changes-only = false

enabled = false
api-key = “”
routing-key = “”
url = “https://alert.victorops.com/integrations/generic/20131114/alert
global = false

enabled = true
url = “https://usage.influxdata.com

enabled = true
stats-interval = “10s”
database = “_kapacitor”
retention-policy = “autogen”
timing-sample-rate = 0.1
timing-movavg-size = 1000


interval = “10s”
threshold = 0.0
id = “{{ .Group }}:NODE_NAME for task ‘{{ .TaskName }}’”
message = “{{ .ID }} is {{ if eq .Level "OK" }}alive{{ else }}dead{{ end }}: {{ index .Fields "emitted" | printf "%0.3f" }} points/INTERVAL.”
global = false

I found the

_kapacitor = [“autogen”]

strange and I removed it but it didn’t change anything.

Thanks for your help!