I want to deploy an initial Chronograf/Telegraf/InfluxDB/Kapacitor setup.
I want to configure them all so that when someone first enters Chronograf there is no prompt to connect to databases and such. Instead brings up some graphs.
For example, when I first enter Chronograf, I get the Add a New Source screen to connect to the telegraf database.
I tried this
/usr/bin/chronograf --host --port 8885 --basepath /chronograf --influxdb-url=http:///localhost:8086 --kapacitor-url=http://localhost:9092 --prefix-routes -b /var/lib/chronograf/chronograf-v1.db -c /usr/share/chronograf/canned
But I it doesn’t keep that from coming up.
After that if I wander into Alerts it tells me that I have to Configure Kapacitor. Again the defaults are fine but I don’t want my users to have to click on these.
So, are there commands I can run as part of install/initialization that would keep these screens from coming up?