InfluxDB2 total Bucket Export to csv

currently i am trying to export my total Bucket to a csv File. I need it to import the Dataset to another Database.

I was reading a lot of influx export all --[flags]… but i am not sure which flags i should use for my export because the most commands in my CLI are not supported.

Currently i am using InfluxDB 2.7.1 as Docker container and i am looking forward to export it to a specific Path, that is mounted to the root Server.

I also tried to find something in the Web Interface of the DB but there was no option, that could solve my Problem.

I am looking forward, for some help.

Thank you very much!


Try the below command in CLI

influx export --buckets id

It will export the bucket with bucket id

the influx export is not working because its not actually exporting the Data.

I solved the Problem, with a Flux query to csv.

influx query ‘from(bucket: “YourBucketName”) |> range(start: -30d)’ --raw > daten.csv

If there is any other better option, pls share your thoughts.