Working in a production environment using a none root user that use docker and microk8s.
Current using influxdb 1.8.6 docker and run it with user (using docker run –user….) no issue here.
Have some permissions issues with using influxdb 2.1.1 docker, when I use –user it failed with permission error
running docker run -it --user $USERID -v <local path>/influxdb2:/var/lib/influxdb2 influxdb:2.1.1
getting an error “chmod: changing permissions of ‘/etc/influxdb2’: Operation not permitted”
Running the command without the --user docker run -it -v <local path>/influxdb2:/var/lib/influxdb2 influxdb:2.1.1
and the local directory permissions change to user ID 1000 user without group permissions.
Is there a way to run it as a user (like influxdb 1.8.6) and not with it default user?
Is the docker image is production ready?