InfluxDB 2 for arm32v7 release date?

:wave:t2: Hey InfluxData community!

I’ve used the influxdb 2.0 container a bit, and am hoping to use influxdb 2.0 on some ARM architectures (specifically a raspberry pi for now). Are there plans to build influxdb 2.0 for ARM?

I really enjoy the ease-of-use that the influxdb 2.0 container brings, it would be great to see that for ARM architectures.


Welcome @heath!
I’m not sure…@mhall119 do you know the timeline?

@heath we won’t be releasing an arm32v7 build / any other 32-bit builds of 2.x (you can see some information about our reasoning in this blog post). The good news is that we’re already building & releasing arm64v8 builds, including in Docker! If you pull influxdb:2.0 from an arm64 system it should do the right thing.

Newer raspberry pi’s have 64-bit hardware but ship with a 32-bit OS, so you might need to install a different OS before you can get started. Beta images of 64-bit Raspberry Pi OS are available for download here. You can also install 64-bit Ubuntu or another Linux distribution on the rpi.


Hi @Anaisdg and @Anaisdg

This is perfect, thank you both so much! Exactly the information I was looking for.

Thank you for the speedy replies!


Hi all,

Maybe a bit late, but it seems allot of you are suffering from the same issue: Lack of ARM 32-bit support. For my personal projects I needed Influxdb2 to run on a 32-bit ARM board. Influxdb 1.x was not an alternative. As a solution I have created a way to fully automated build Influxdb 2.x and client DEB/RPM packages for ARMv7A / armhf based boards. This includes RaspberryPI 2 and 3. Not sure about 4. Give it a try. Feel free to use the prebuild packages to build your own. Takes only a few minutes of your time and doesn’t require any advanced cross-compile or Linux knowledge.


Christian (NL)

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Hi Christian, I really want to use this so I cloned your repository and tried to run it. I wasn’t able to get it to build. Here is my version of your repository: forest/influxdb2-armv7: Mirror of - influxdb2-armv7 - SequentialRead Git

At first I ran into an issue with the old debian docker image that you were using, apt-get would not install anything:

I would put the log output here but for some reason 
my terminals scrollback is broken and I cant access it :cry:

Then I ran into what appeared to be go version issues from packages that had been updated and now require a newer version of go:

I would put the log output here but for some reason 
my terminals scrollback is broken and I cant access it :cry:

Then finally, the last straw, I ran into compilation issues for which there is not much available information online:

  [i] Starting generation of prerequisites...
  [✗] Error message: Failed to generate prerequisites!
Cloning into 'openapi'...
go generate -tags 'sqlite_foreign_keys,sqlite_json,assets' ./static
env GO111MODULE=on go install -tags 'sqlite_foreign_keys,sqlite_json,assets' -ldflags " -X main.commit=657e183 -X main.version=v2.1.1"
env GO111MODULE=on go install -tags 'sqlite_foreign_keys,sqlite_json,assets' -ldflags " -X main.commit=657e183 -X main.version=v2.1.1"
env GO111MODULE=on go install -tags 'sqlite_foreign_keys,sqlite_json,assets' -ldflags " -X main.commit=657e183 -X main.version=v2.1.1"
env GO111MODULE=on go install -tags 'sqlite_foreign_keys,sqlite_json,assets' -ldflags " -X main.commit=657e183 -X main.version=v2.1.1"
env GO111MODULE=on go install -tags 'sqlite_foreign_keys,sqlite_json,assets' -ldflags " -X main.commit=657e183 -X main.version=v2.1.1"
go generate -tags 'sqlite_foreign_keys,sqlite_json,assets' ./influxql/... ./models/... ./pkg/... ./storage/... ./tsdb/... ./v1/...
stringer: internal error: package "errors" without types was imported from ""
models/gen.go:3: running "stringer": exit status 1
stringer: internal error: package "runtime" without types was imported from ""
pkg/data/gen/gen.go:4: running "stringer": exit status 1
stringer: internal error: package "context" without types was imported from ""
tsdb/cursors/gen.go:4: running "stringer": exit status 1
make: *** [Makefile:128: generate-sources] Error 1
Nov 08, 2023 01:20:19 AM CET - ERROR: Unable to make generate

This appears to be the same issue mentioned here: Can't build on s390x: stringer returning error · Issue #24363 · influxdata/influxdb · GitHub

For anyone who cares, I was able to get it to work using the binaries that Christian provides on his BitBucket repo.

Here is my config for that: influxdb2-armv7/forest_docker_image_build at master - influxdb2-armv7 - SequentialRead Git