Influxdb 2.7.10 TSI config

Hello everyone. I’m experiencing a huge RAM consumption and even dough I don’t have a high cardinality. I’m would like to try TSI but documentation is very confusing and I think it’s a bit mixed up. I found on internet that to configure TSI I need to insert this line in config.toml
index-version = “tsi1”
but I don’t see anywhere in docs this stuff and I’m really confused. I’m pretty sure that currently I’m using TSM and I would like to switch to TSI but documentation is very confusing. In this page I don’t see anything about TSI config

Can someone point me out how to reconfigure 2.7.10 to use TSI?

@thenemesis584 If you’re using InfluxDB 2.7.10, tsi1 is the only option. inmem was the original indexing method in InfluxDB v1, but in v2, TSI is the only option. How much memory is InfluxDB using? How much memory is available to InfluxDB? How much data are you currently storing?